Philipp Jenni wrote:I have tested the new version now. It is very better as the version x.18. But when i make a text italic and then i selected the same text and click the italic button, then was not the full market text undo italic. The same effect is, when i click the bold and the underline button.
To undo italic or bold, you do not need to select anything. Just place the cursor inside the italic or bold block, then press the button and it should do it.
Philipp Jenni wrote:In a second test, i have see, that i cant undo listed text's. I must it remove in the html code. Can you implement that?
Yes. That makes sense. We will implement it as soon as possible.
Philipp Jenni wrote:The Clear Function does not remove the span tag in the html code.
We are not sure if it supposes to do that. We will look into it and see what we can do.
Please feel free to let us know if you see any other problems!