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Updater currentFileName() method Options
Posted: Sunday, April 13, 2008 5:20:09 PM
Rank: Newbie
Groups: Member

Joined: 4/13/2008
Posts: 2
Hi there

I am using the file uploader and have javascript to handle 2 types of errors:

1. File is too big
2. The user is uploading something with the wrong file extension.

Now I've wired it up just fine, as it errors in both cases.

<EWe:AJAXUploader ID="uploader" 
    MaxFileCount="1" ClientSideOnError="UploadError"></EWe:AJAXUploader>

Code: JavaScript
function UploadError() {
    var uploader = eo_GetObject('uploader'); 
    var filename = uploader.getCurrentFileName();
    var fileExtensions = uploader.getAllowedExtension();

My questions is this: When I run the upload, I try to get back the current file name they've input and yet the javascript returns "Undefined". Am I misunderstanding the purpose of this method? Can I not get the name of the file at this stage?

The reason for this is simply to determine which type of error I have encountered. Did they attempt to upload a file thats too big or did they upload one which had the wrong file extension?
Posted: Sunday, April 13, 2008 6:47:58 PM
Rank: Newbie
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Joined: 4/13/2008
Posts: 2
Well the best I can offer here is my finding of a partial solution:

the javascript function should contain the following signature:

function OnUploadError(control, error, message)

In this way, you can read the error as a string and thus determine what type of error you are dealing with.

Posted: Sunday, April 13, 2008 7:04:37 PM
Rank: Administration
Groups: Administration

Joined: 5/27/2007
Posts: 24,298

Your JavaScript function should be something like this:

Code: JavaScript
function UploadError(uploader, error, message)
    if (error == "max_size_exceeded")
        window.alert("file is too big!");
    else if (error == "extension_not_allowed")
        window.alert("invalid file extension!");

The uploader calls this function supplied by you when one of the pre-defined error occurs and pass you the "error" type, your code would then decide what to do. You can get a list of pre-defined errors at here:


Hope this helps.


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