First sorry for my poor english !
I'am a new trying user of essentialobjects's controls. I try them in a visual studio 2003 web project. I just put a DatePicker control in a form page1.aspx with a default value (in dd/MM/yyyy format !). I have a standard asp.net button for a response.redirect("page2.aspx")...
I launch my project on page1.aspx and then select a different date than the default value in the DatePicker calendar. Then I click on the button to go on page2.aspx. I then do a back. The new date is still written in the textbox of the DatePicker control but when I click again on the button, the DatePicker.SelectedDate property has the default value (and not the value of the textbox of the control)... I think I missunderstood something...
Thank you for any help
For information, I have the same problem with others controls ! (maskedit and treeview !!!)