I have a problem setting a proxy on the eo webbrowser on WinFroms under .NET Framework
I have checked the previously asked questions but I have not find an answer that works,
Here is my code:
Code: C#
EO.WebEngine.Engine engine1 = EO.WebEngine.Engine.Create("test");
ProxyInfo proxy = new ProxyInfo(ProxyType.HTTP, "", 1899, "user", "pass");
engine1.Options.Proxy = proxy;
webControl1 = new EO.WinForm.WebControl();
webView1 = new EO.WebBrowser.WebView();
webView1.Engine = engine1;
webControl1.WebView = webView1;
webView1.Url = "https://www.ipaddress.my/";
The page opens with my local IP address, I have tried changing to proxy type to HTTPS and the same thing happened. I also tried to change the proxy on the application level
EO.WebEngine.EngineOptions.Default.Options.Proxy = proxy;
and samething no proxy changing.
Anyone else has the same issue?
thank you