Hi, I'm getting an Error "Your Browser Can't this video". I am using EO Browser to view a Youtube Playlist I created. I wasn't getting this error at first but now I am. Note when I play videos from music artists it works fine. I am using Debut Video Capture. Please note some of the videos I uploaded to Youtube work. Also if I view the playlist in Chrome Or edge they work fine as well. These videos are C# Tutorials that I have created. I want these videos to play inside my Application without having to rely on using the code Process.Start("url"); to open the youtube playlist in my default browser.
This is a link to my playlist. I am using EO control 2022 version.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MEv3DrqRBZk&list=PL1Lj21JawXKmhiRnl4AdK0WPc_wBOXEvGI tried clearing the cache using this command that I found in your forum. It worked once but now it doesn't
//to clear cache so you won't get the "Cannot Display Video error" on Youtube EO.WebEngine.Engine.CleanUpCacheFolders(EO.WebEngine.CacheFolderCleanUpPolicy.OlderAndCurrentVersion);
Any help you can offer would be greatly appreciated.