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Hi, we recently had our intranet re-done by a web-designing company and they used your menu bar for the intranet. Everytime we go into use our intranet we get this error message of
"menu ctl00_menu2 requires a license. You can purchase a license from htt://www.essentialobjects.com/order.aspx. Please refresh the page to continue. More on license".
the above information is written on the top of our intranet page. The Web-designing company says that they can't do anything and to contact you guys. They are claiming that when they purchased this license, they purchased the license with a domain name which was later changed after the intranet has been fully developed and that is why we are receiving this message. Do you have any idea of how to fix this issue? any solution for this issue will be appreciated. thank you.
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If you can ask the web-designing company to provide the order #, we will be able to take a look. Most likely you will need a new license. We had a license option that is called "standard license". It's much cheaper than the unlimited version but it only works for a specific domain name. And you will get that license message when the domain (or host name) changes.
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here is the order number that i received from the web designer. order #445543003419898. What is my next step is resolving this issue?
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Your original license is for HANMI.HFC. So if you use any domain/host name other than that, it will give you that error (That's why it's cheaper than the unlimited version). We can change it for you once, but we not be able to change it again for you if you change your domain/host name again. Your other option is to purchase the unrestricted version. Please let us know which option you prefer.
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i am not that good with the network terms. where do i go to find the correct domain/host name for that specific server? sorry for the stupid question.
by the way. If i am understanding the whole domain and host thing. our domain name is the same. but if the host name you are talking about is the computer name. then that is different.
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It's the first part that you would use to access your website. For example, when you access our website with http://www.essentialobjects.com/Default.aspx, the host name is "www.essentialobjects.com", as far as license concern, usually you should take "www" off. That means the domain name is "essentialobjects.com".
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Quote:If i am understanding the whole domain and host thing. our domain name is the same. but if the host name you are talking about is the computer name. then that is different. It's what you use to access the site matters. For example, if you use website has a domain name of "HANMI.HFC", but can also be reached as "HANMI.COM", which means you can access your website through both: http://HANMI.HFCand http://HANMI.COMThe former will be fine but the later will give you the license error, even though they goes to the same server, because the license only allow you to use one name.
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since i am recieving this message from our intranet and not our internet homepage. it does not have a ".com" at the end of it.
our current intranet homepage address is "http://intrasvr/HBI/Default.aspx"
is the "intrasvr" what you were looking for?
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Yes. That means you need a license for "intrasvr". We can change it for you to that from "HANMI.COM".
Once we change the license, "intrasvr" will start work and "HANMI.COM" will stop working, which means you will get license error when user access your website through HANMI.COM.
Please let us know if you want us to change it.
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I don't think our Hanmi.com is using your menu bar program. So i don't think we will have any problems with our hanmi.com. that is why we are experiencing problems with our intranet because our intranet uses your menu bar program.
How can i check to see if our hanmi.com is using your menu bar program? if our hanmi.com is not using the menu bar program and will not have any issues any issues in changing the domain name to intrasvr. then Can you change it from hanmi.hfc to intrasvr?
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I apologize. It should be HANMI.HFC, not HANMI.COM. It has nothing to do with HANMI.COM. Your license file is for HANMI.HFC. Once we change it, HANMI.HFC will stop working.
Let us know if you are sure HANMI.HFC stop wroking won't be a problem, you may want to check with your web developer for that. We will then change the host name to intrasvr for you.
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Please do make the change. as you have described in the previous posts. hanmi.hfc is our banks domain name and our intranet will be in that domain. but as you have pointed out, our current intranet homepage address is "http://intrasvr/HBI/Default.aspx" and that is why we are receiving this error. if we change our host name to intrasvr, as explained by you, the problem will be fixed. if this is the case. please do change the name. once you change it from yourside. do i need to do anything from our side of replacing a file or something?
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Hi, We have changed your license key to use "intrasvr". Please ask your web developer to reapply it (or whoever has the access to the account on our website he sets up). Here is the detailed document about how to apply a license key: http://www.essentialobjects.com/ViewDoc.aspx?t=InstallationAndDeployment%2flicense.htmlThanks