This is not super important for me but would be a nice to have.
In chrome there is an option to fill out a pdf then the download button has (With your changes)
When I try to load one of these documents I receive the error.
Quote:System.IO.InvalidDataException: The archive entry was compressed using an unsupported compression method.
at EO.Internal.pnoq.odkd(PdfDocumentSecurity cyd)
at EO.Internal.pnoq.nwbe(Boolean cya, Boolean cyb, PdfDocumentSecurity cyc)
at EO.Internal.pnof.dybr(Stream ctn, Boolean cto, Boolean ctp)
at EO.Internal.pnof.dybr(String ctq)
at EO.Internal.pnof..ctor(String ctg, PdfDocumentSecurity cth)
at EO.Pdf.PdfDocument..ctor(String fileName)
This would be useful to collect data from users also but i mostly use it to identify/find poorly named fields in the document sometimes.
I put unique values in each filed save it then I have a helper methods that walk the control tree and dump's the control's full path and value. This makes it super easy to identify those fields