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WebBrowser do not accept the property "Accept-Language" Options
AvorCraft GmbH
Posted: Tuesday, August 23, 2022 5:58:59 AM
Rank: Newbie
Groups: Member

Joined: 8/23/2022
Posts: 1

I have updated the webbrowser control vom version 2018 to 2022. The e.Request.Headers["Accept-Language"] is set to "de-CH".

Know if I press the key combinations [Alt Gr] & [2] or [Alt Gr] & [3] then the result is allways the english key result. In swiss german shoud be:
[Alt Gr] & [2] => @
[Alt Gr] & [3] => #

What can I do, that the key actions is the same like in version 2018?
Posted: Wednesday, August 24, 2022 10:31:43 AM
Rank: Administration
Groups: Administration

Joined: 5/27/2007
Posts: 24,296

What is the exact version number you use? We tested the latest version with TabbedBrowser and we got these:

AltGr + 2 =>☻
AltGr + 3 => ♥

Our steps are as follow:
1. Modified TabbedBrowser sample application to add Accept-Language to de-CH. We then load Google's home page and it correctly loads the german version, which means Accept-Language is working as expected;
2. Added German-Switzerland keyboard in Windows and switch to that keyboard (DEU);
3. Type AltGr + 2 and AltGr + 3 on the keyboard. Note that in standard US English keyboard there is no AltGr key, so we use the right Alt key instead (the one immediately next to the space bar).

Please let us know if any of your steps are different so that we can test here again.


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