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EO Webview Crashes Options
Objective Medical Systems, LLC
Posted: Saturday, July 2, 2022 11:35:40 AM
Rank: Newbie
Groups: Member

Joined: 8/16/2019
Posts: 2
We are facing an issue with Essential Objects the application freezes and not able to access and we are forced to logout and login back to the desktop.

We had done some testing this morning that further reinforces that it is not being caused by limited amount of system memory, at least in some instances like users of desktop with 10 GB of RAM. The base memory usage on one of our desktops is around 1.5GB with no applications open. In both scenarios below, I started seeing an issue with either Chrome or EO right above 6GB of memory usage. I believe there are memory limitations to Chrome, either by tab or application as a whole. Since EO uses part of the Chromium browser when loading a document, I’d focus on any memory limitations there along with how running Chrome along side EO processes can affect each other.

I realize the examples below are not expected or typical workflow, but they are a demonstration of memory usage in these applications. The same behavior is reproducible by using 2 sessions of our applications and having enough Chrome tabs loaded depending on the websites being accessed.

Test 1: 3 instances of Application with 3 Chrome tabs open

I was able to function fine in the application with all 3 sessions loading EO process with no issue. I opened Chrome and after loading a document in Chrome, opening our Intranet page, and attempting to access MSN.com, I received the Chrome “Out of memory” error. There is close to 4GB of available memory on the machine at the time. This is running Chrome version 102 64-bit.

Test 2: 4 instances of Application only

I was able to use the Application with 3 instances running with no other applications open and no issues with EO loading. After I opened a 4th session of the Application, I found that EO reached a point where it could no longer load any documents. If I attempt to load Google Chrome at this point, I can see a Chrome process launch, but the application fails to load. I am able to see there is adequate available memory on the machine.

Could you please suggest us on how to deal with this.

* One instance of the Application has multiple EO Webview (close to 12 webview) and it is not disposed until the user logouts from the application, we cannot dispose the webview because the user might switch back to any page and the details should not be refreshed.
Posted: Monday, July 4, 2022 9:56:26 AM
Rank: Administration
Groups: Administration

Joined: 5/27/2007
Posts: 24,296

We are not aware of any hard memory usage limitation for our product in the current 64 bit release. If you use previous version or specifically use 32 bit version of the current release, then the child process (which runs browser engine) would be limited to 4GB. However this still does not put any restrictions on your application.

Very often "Out of memory" is just a general error message that is displayed whenever any kind of resource allocation fails. There are many different types of resources that may have reached the limit beside the memory. Even for memory having memory available on the system does not mean you can use it. For example, you may have settings/other applications on your system that limits how much memory your application/Chrome can use.

The most practical way for you to resolve such issue is to reduce the load. Since both our product and Google Chrome demonstrates problems, whatever resource limitation it is, it is unlikely that the browser engine can continue without. We could spend hours or even days to debug it on your specific system to find out the exact point of failure and then could still reach the conclusion that there is nothing to be done. Even if we do figure out some kind of remedy that may resolve one issue, since you are running under heavy load, even if one weak point of temporarily patched up, it may simply just shift pressure point from one weak point to another and lead to failure at another point. So in the end such effort is almost always not worth it.


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