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Joined: 3/18/2008 Posts: 3
Hi there, i'm am new with eo progressbar, below is the code
" private void ProgressBar1_RunTask(object sender, EO.Web.ProgressTaskEventArgs e) { try { if(FileUpload.PostedFile.FileName!="") { lblFile.Visible = false; string sSQL = "exec msdb..sp_help_job @job_name = 'LPM_SPM', @job_aspect = N'job'"; DataTable dtObj = new APK.GlobalJob().ExecuteSQL(sSQL); if (dtObj.Rows.Count>0) { int iStatus = int.Parse(dtObj.Rows[0]["current_execution_status"].ToString()); if (iStatus==4) { this.ProceedFile(); Global.SetPosition(this.trConfigure); Entity.SYS.enTbSYS_m_FIKYear enObj = new Entity.SYS.enTbSYS_m_FIKYear(); enObj.sFIKYear = txtYear.Text; DataTable dtYear = new DataAccess.SYS.daTbSYS_m_FIKYear().SelectByID(enObj); if (dtYear.Rows.Count>0) { this.trProcess.Visible = true; this.trUpload.Visible = false; } else { e.UpdateProgress(0, "Running..."); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (e.IsStopped) break;
this.RunningJob(); e.UpdateProgress(i); }
e.UpdateProgress(100, "The task is done!"); } } else throw new Exception("Penjanaan sedang dalam proses.."); } else throw new Exception("Nama 'job' LPM_SPM tidak dijumpai! Sila hubungi Pentadbir Sistem");
} else lblFile.Visible = true; } catch(Exception ex) { AppError.BoxErrorTech(this.Page,ex); }
} "
When its come to "lblFile.Visible = true;" or "this.trProcess.Visible = true;", the label is still not visible. Seems like the ProgressBar1_RunTask not invoke this code. How to make it works?
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Joined: 5/27/2007 Posts: 24,298
Hi, RunTask is a very special event. The only thing you can update inside it is the progress bar. No other part of the page is updated (It has to be that way otherwise you will see the whole page refreshing). While updating from the server side is ruled out, you can still do it on the client side. The "Server Task" sample actually shows you how to do it: http://www.essentialobjects.com/Demo/Default.aspx?path=ProgressBar\_i2Check the comment and you will see how it works. The full source code is on your local disk if you have installed our product. Thanks
Rank: Newbie Groups: Member
Joined: 3/18/2008 Posts: 3
Hi eo_support, Thanks for fast reply, my 2nd question is how to call the runtask function in other function in c#. Your help is really2 appreciated. Thanks.
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Joined: 5/27/2007 Posts: 24,298
You don't. You trigger the progress bar and let the progress bar does it.
RunTask needs to access e.UpdateProgress (you can write a function that does not call it, but it won't move the progress bar for you so it will be useless). And e.UpdateProgress is not available anywhere else except inside RunTask event. That's why you can never call runtask from outside.
To trigger the progress bar programmatically, render the following JavaScript code:
For example, you can put the following code in your .aspx:
<asp:Panel runat="server" id="panStartProgressBar" Visible="False"> <script type="text/javascript> ProgressBar1.startTask(); </script> </asp:Panel>
To trigger the progress bar, set panStartProgressBar's Visible to true. You will need to change "ProgressBar1" to the real ID of the ProgressBar, if you get an error, replace ProgressBar1 with eo_GetObject("ProgressBar1"). Also make sure the code block is placed after the ProgressBar in your page as you can't start the ProgressBar before it is even created.
Rank: Newbie Groups: Member
Joined: 3/18/2008 Posts: 3
Ok. thanks a lot. Can u provide sample code for "While updating from the server side is ruled out, you can still do it on the client side"? What u mean by that?
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We have already provided that to you:
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