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Joined: 11/8/2017 Posts: 68
Hello, we are running EO-PDF (latest - v21.3.18) from a .NET-Core 3.1 web application. We are deploying to App-Services. When we request a report we a generally generating two PDF's (one is a coversheet [which is one page] while the other is a report [which could be 1 page or could be say 100 pages]). Although the application handles this the first couple of times (each request taking around 15 seconds) we then constantly get timeouts on the report (in the case tested the report was only around 10 pages):-
System.Exception: Time out expired before the page can be loaded. at EO.Internal.owlc.omus(owga bsc, String bsd, String bse, String bsf, Int32 bsg, Int32 bsh, String bsi, Boolean bsj) at EO.Internal.owlc.ault(owga bru, String brv, String brw, String brx, Int32 bry, Int32 brz, String bsa, Boolean bsb) at EO.Pdf.HtmlToPdfSession.ault(owga yw, String yx, String yy, Int32 yz, Int32 za, String zb, Boolean zc) at EO.Pdf.HtmlToPdfSession.ault(owga zd, String ze, String zf, Boolean zg) at EO.Pdf.HtmlToPdfSession.LoadHtml(String html) at EO.Pdf.HtmlToPdf.papq.fgdp() at EO.Internal.owkz.bryg[a](dstu`1 brb) at EO.Pdf.HtmlToPdf.ConvertHtml(String html, PdfDocument doc, HtmlToPdfOptions options) at EO.Pdf.HtmlToPdf.ConvertHtml(String html, Stream stream, HtmlToPdfOptions options) at EO.Pdf.HtmlToPdf.ConvertHtml(String html, Stream stream) at MI.ParentReporting.Web.PdfGenerate.NetCore.Controllers.PdfGenerateController.GeneratedPdf(UploadData uploadData, Int32& pageCount, HtmlToPdfResult& coversheetHtmlToPdfResult, Byte[]& coversheetPdf, Boolean generateFromCoversheetHtml) in e:\DevOpsBuilds\4\s\MI.ParentReporting.Web.PdfGenerate.NetCore\Controllers\PdfGenerateController.cs:line 634 at MI.ParentReporting.Web.PdfGenerate.NetCore.Controllers.PdfGenerateController.Post(UploadData uploadData) in e:\DevOpsBuilds\4\s\MI.ParentReporting.Web.PdfGenerate.NetCore\Controllers\PdfGenerateController.cs:line 109
I have created an Azure memory dump and sent it to your private email address - with the timeouts I wondered whether further deadlocks might be occurring
Can you help ?
Rank: Administration Groups: Administration
Joined: 5/27/2007 Posts: 24,296
What tools did you use to collect the dump? We are not able to see any managed thread information from the dump file. We can only see unmanaged thread information.
We did fix an issue that could cause timeout with the stack trace you provided and have a new build that would fix that issue. We will PM you the download location of that build. Please try the new build and let us know how it goes.
Rank: Advanced Member Groups: Member
Joined: 11/8/2017 Posts: 68
Hello, I've done some testing and so far the new build looks good - no timeouts In terms of how I collect the memory dump, I basically followed these steps (outlines the standard way to get the dump from Azure-AppServices) - https://devblogs.microsoft.com/premier-developer/collect-and-automate-diagnostic-actions-with-azure-app-services/#manual-intervention...so not sure what went wrong with the managed/unmanaged thread information
Rank: Administration Groups: Administration
Joined: 5/27/2007 Posts: 24,296
Thanks for the additional information and glad to hear that the new build works better for you!