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Webview Zoom setting in created in Picture windows form VB.net Options
Posted: Tuesday, July 6, 2021 11:52:24 AM
Rank: Advanced Member
Groups: Member

Joined: 5/10/2021
Posts: 43
Good afternoon, Sirs of Support, I have a question, I am working on a form for a client, and it is necessary to adjust the Size of the Webview within the PictureBox. I am working with this code:

Code: Visual Basic.NET
Dim options As New EO.WebEngine.BrowserOptions
        options.AllowJavaScript = True
        options.AllowZooming = False
        options.LoadImages = False

And it turns out that when the form is opened the client tries to adjust the size with Ctrl + / - or with the mouse wheel and does nothing in the webview.

the client is asking me to configure the size with the default percentage, to deduct a little the webbiew, with which example I can make the reduction.

Thank you so much!.
Posted: Tuesday, July 6, 2021 1:00:45 PM
Rank: Administration
Groups: Administration

Joined: 5/27/2007
Posts: 24,296

You would need to set WebView.ZoomFactor property.

Posted: Tuesday, July 6, 2021 1:42:03 PM
Rank: Advanced Member
Groups: Member

Joined: 5/10/2021
Posts: 43
Great I'm going to try
Posted: Tuesday, July 6, 2021 8:40:50 PM
Rank: Advanced Member
Groups: Member

Joined: 5/10/2021
Posts: 43
Hello, sorry, there is something wrong with the product, I have tried in 3 ways to make the change and it does not execute anything, it does not give me an error and it does not change the size, I share what I have been doing:

Code: Visual Basic.NET
Dim Minimize_Zoom As EO.WebBrowser.WebView = Me.WebView1
Minimize_Zoom.ZoomFactor = 0.25

Code: Visual Basic.NET
Dim Minimize_Zoom As EO.WebBrowser.WebView = New EO.WebBrowser.WebView
Minimize_Zoom.ZoomFactor = 0.25

Code: Visual Basic.NET
Me.WebView1.ZoomFactor = 0.67

Code: Visual Basic.NET
WebView1.ZoomFactor = 0.67

I investigated in your documents and nothing appears about it, no special example here:


It seems to me that it may be comes this way and I'm not sure I don't have any example:


I'm not sure if this option comes here, I ask you to please better the idea, it would be good a better work material, because that way it is difficult for me to move forward with my clients, it takes me hours to guess to do something, the truth is that your material does not help much for what I expected as a specialized support, if you do not know it is better to say "Mr. don't do it, let me find out with who you know I hope so", I feel that I am wasting a lot of valuable time with those answers that they are giving me and I have seen many here that they respond very vaguely, that impression is what I have so far!

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