I have a strange issue on a couple of web sites. For example:
https://www.vmware.com/patchmgr/findPatch.portalThis is a login page and I'm sending these keystrokes to the application using the SendInput API (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winuser/nf-winuser-sendinput):
{TAB}test@bla.com{TAB}this is a test
It seems that in this particular case, the tab key moves the caret to the next input element but it also adds a \t (tab character) to the password field:
ScreenshotI then startet to investigate the IInputMsgFilter in hope I can take over control and correct the behavior. I added the following code in my PreDispatchMsg:
Code: C#
if (Msg == WM_KEYDOWN && wParam.ToInt32() == VK_TAB)
WebView?.SendKeyEvent(true, KeyCode.Tab);
WebView?.SendKeyEvent(false, KeyCode.Tab);
return InputMsgTarget.None;
This helped partially. I now don't have the tab in the password input but now I have a blank at the end of the username field:
ScreenshotInterestingly the blank at the end of the username also appears if I just hit the tab key on the keyboard (without any SendInput API involved).
Any idea what's going on or how to resolve this issue?