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Setting EO.Base.Runtime.EnableEOWP to true Options
Posted: Thursday, December 21, 2017 2:52:16 PM
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Joined: 12/11/2017
Posts: 3

I am using the TabbedBrowser Visual Basic program, and I am running into a Runtime Exception where my TabbedBrowser reports an out of memory error. The error tells me:

Runtime Exception
A runtime exception has occurred. You can Handle EO.Base.Runtime.Exception event to silent this message. If the problem continues, please contact EO support with the information below.

EO.Base.ChildProcessOutOfMemoryException: One of the child processes used by EO components reported an out of memory error. If your system has sufficient memory, please consider setting EO.Base.Runtime.EnableEOWP to true.

How do I go about setting EO.Base.Runtime.EnableEOWP to true? I understand that this does not get rid of the error altogether, but merely allocates more memory to the program. That's all I'm looking for here.

Thank you in advance!
Posted: Thursday, December 21, 2017 4:52:31 PM
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Joined: 12/11/2017
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I've referred to these pages




I know to package the eowp.exe file along with my program, and in the same folder as the EO.Base.dll, but I'm unsure of where to paste the following code in my program:

Public Shared Property EnableEOWP As Boolean

(See here: https://www.essentialobjects.com/doc/eo.base.runtime.enableeowp.aspx)

Also, is there anything I need to add on top of that?
Posted: Thursday, December 21, 2017 5:00:49 PM
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Joined: 5/27/2007
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No. This is not how to add it. If you use TabbedBrowser sample, you can add the following code into Application_Startup method (inside App.xaml.vb):

Code: Visual Basic.NET
EO.Base.Runtime.EnableEOWP = True

You can add it as the first line above all other code in that function.

Just as a side note, we are generally NOT in a position to answer such basic coding questions. Our reference asks you to set a property defined in our library, you need to know that this is completely different and unrelated to declaring a variable in your own code (which is what you are doing), and you also need to be able to understand the basic code structure of an application (such as what Application_Startup is and when it is called). Both are generic .NET programming topic you will need to resolve yourself in the future.

MIS Admin
Posted: Thursday, October 31, 2019 5:27:33 AM
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How to add in ASP.net to true eowp.exe?
Posted: Thursday, October 31, 2019 10:48:59 AM
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MIS Admin wrote:
How to add in ASP.net to true eowp.exe?

There is no difference for ASP.NET application at all. It's the same code.
MIS Admin
Posted: Thursday, October 31, 2019 9:14:35 PM
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Eopdf version 2019 can solve all issues with windows? I mean if we buy the latest version, everything is ok?
Posted: Friday, November 1, 2019 11:11:36 AM
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MIS Admin wrote:
Eopdf version 2019 can solve all issues with windows? I mean if we buy the latest version, everything is ok?

You should try it out first. Nothing will solve all issues in all scenarios. There are numerous real life scenarios, either known or unknown, that can potentially break a product.

As a general rule, the latest version supports the latest Windows but it may no longer support older Windows. For example, the current version supports Windows 2019 but no longer supports Windows XP. So we will never promise the product will "solve all issues with Windows". There can also be other third party software on your system that can cause conflict with our product. As such we always recommend you to try it out in your actual environment first. If you run into problems, we will work with you to try to resolve it.
Posted: Wednesday, February 17, 2021 5:25:44 AM
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i am using C# program

I was Getting error due to Third party AntiVirus/Security software, so i Set EO.Base.Runtime.EnableEOWP to true when application starts

and its working fine able to generate PDF file. but i did not do below step.

2) Distribute eowp.exe (found in the installation folder) along with your application. You should place this file in the same directory as EO.Base.dll;

still its working.

Do we need to add eowp.exe in same directory as EO.Base.dll? or without this step it will be Fine?

Posted: Wednesday, February 17, 2021 2:16:09 PM
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Joined: 5/27/2007
Posts: 24,296

Having eowp.exe in the same folder as EO.Base.dll is one way to turn on EOWP. The other way is to set EnableEOWP to true. You do not have to do both.


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