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HtmlToPdfOptions.RepeatTableHeaderAndFooter Options
Carl D
Posted: Wednesday, September 11, 2019 10:37:05 AM
Rank: Newbie
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Joined: 9/11/2019
Posts: 2
I do not understand the implementation of this option. I believe it is pretty useless and a poorly thought out design.

It would make more sense to have an option for EACH headers and footers.

Here is our use case:

We have a table of rates and charges. There are header rows that declare the contents of each column. Then there are multiple rows of line items. Then there is a footer row with the totals.

We would certainly like the headers to repeat after pagination.

BUT we do not want the totals appearing on each page, only at the end of the table.

Thus separate options:


Would be infinitely more useful.

thank you
Posted: Wednesday, September 11, 2019 1:48:35 PM
Rank: Administration
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Joined: 5/27/2007
Posts: 24,316

In this case you can just NOT using a footer row for your total row. You can use a normal row in that case.

In theory we could implement them as two options like you suggested, however there are many other scenarios where users would want many other different options. If we were to accommodate all those then we would end up having 100s of options and it would be extremely difficult for users to find/navigate all those options. As such we try to keep the number of options down but allow flexibility on the HTML itself, such as in your case you can change your HTML to achieve your goal.

Carl D
Posted: Wednesday, September 11, 2019 2:08:52 PM
Rank: Newbie
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Joined: 9/11/2019
Posts: 2
Thank you for your dismissive response.

Yes, I am smart enough to get around it with additional CSS classes, thank you. As I have with many of your lacking features.

It just seems unnecessary & frankly ridiculous. Headers and footers are completely different things. Offhand I can't think of a use-case where you would WANT repeating footers, but I'm sure they exist. I'm pretty confident that my use-case would be much more common.

I'm a software engineer with 25 years experience, so I do understand the multitude of options and how they could multiply. This one however seems like a no-brainer.

Another item that seems pretty useful and elementary is to have an options for First page headers/footers, and last page headers/footers. (or option to show header only on first page, footer on last page) I appreciate the header & footer html ability, but it would be very useful to be able to vary them for a first/header/title page only, as well as final page only.

For a "mature" product many of your limitations as well as your abysmal threading/performance issues are extremely disappointing.

Posted: Wednesday, September 11, 2019 2:52:16 PM
Rank: Administration
Groups: Administration

Joined: 5/27/2007
Posts: 24,316
Carl D wrote:
Thank you for your dismissive response.

Carl D wrote:
Yes, I am smart enough to get around it with additional CSS classes, thank you. As I have with many of your lacking features.

Carl D wrote:
For a "mature" product many of your limitations as well as your abysmal threading/performance issues are extremely disappointing.

I wanted to make it very clear to you that we do not tolerate such sarcastic tone in our product support forum. As a result, we have suspended your account and we would kindly ask you to look for other solutions on the market.

The support forum is for technical discussions only and there is no room for any kind of trash talking, either from you to us or from us to you. If you are not happy with our answers, you can try to make your case again and we will do our best to consider. However I am sure you will understand that it is not possible for us to accommodate every single request from every single customer. So we have to balance between all customers. This means in fact MOST of the time we will say no to someone who request a specific feature.

It seems that you have problem taking no for an answer. Our position is we will work with you if you work with us and we expect all our customers to conduct property and professionally. If you can not conduct yourself, you will be shown the door very quickly.

We wish you best luck with your project.

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