Hello guys,
We recently changed the dlls EO.Base, EO.WebBrowser, EO.WebBrowser.wpf, EO.WebEngine from v18.2.53 to v19.1.40.
The WebView.AfterReceiveHeaders has not the same behavior in my project comparing both versions.
There are something different on this event? or another one that complement it in new versions?
What I am trying to execute is the following code:
While page is loading, the events are working fine...
But in the last when my url changes and the flag for ProcessingComplete changes to true, last call for to check the WebView_AfterReceiveHeaders() is never invoked to validate the my ProcessingComplete flag and trigger the ExecuteCallBack();
Quote:private void WebView_BeforeNavigate(object sender, BeforeNavigateEventArgs e)
if (e.NewUrl.EndsWith(@"OperationSuccess/", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
ProcessingComplete = true;
Quote: private void WebView_AfterReceiveHeaders(object sender, ResponseEventArgs e)
if (this.ProcessingComplete)
this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
It works on v18.2.53 but not in v19.1.40.
Thanks in advance for your help.