We only have limited support for @page style. @page style is supported as follow:
1. If HtmlToPdfOptions.UsePrintMedia is false (by default), then @page style is ignored;
2. If HtmlToPdfOptions.UsePrintMedia is true and you did not explicitly specify HtmlToPdfOptions.PageSize, then the size and margin defined in your @page style is used;
Particularly, you should NOT use any attribute that may affect the page layout in your @page style. In your case, it means you should remove display:inline-block from your @page style. EO.Pdf does not page output the same way as the browser engine does, instead it relies on the browser engine renders the whole page in a single continuous "long" page and then "cut" it into multiple pages. So you should avoid using any attributes that causes the browser engine to precut the initial long page before it is passed down to EO.Pdf.
If you still have problems after that, you can send us a test HTML and we will be happy to investigate further. See here for more information on how to send test files to us: