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Access denied javascript error Options
Posted: Friday, February 8, 2008 1:26:13 AM
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Joined: 12/7/2007
Posts: 21
I am using the eo:DatePicker in an application, and I have discoved that when it is used within a frame, I get a javascript error "Access denied".
The calendar appears to function perfectly, I can select a date, and the error only appears when I choose an alternative month to that displayed intitially.
When the form is then posted back to the server, it can't read the date chosen, so it just retrieves the default date of 01/01/0001.
Posted: Friday, February 8, 2008 5:10:30 AM
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Joined: 5/27/2007
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Hi Katie,

Thanks for posting in the forum. We are looking into the issue and will let you know as soon as we find anything.

Posted: Friday, February 8, 2008 5:39:21 AM
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We tested DatePicker with both iframe and frameset, it appears to work fine with both. Our test is as follow:

1. Create a blank .aspx page and put our Calendar in it;
2. Place a button in the page;
3. Create another page an iframe element, set the iframe's src to the new page just created;

We then run the page and it works fine. We then replace step 3 with a frameset and it also works fine.

Can you try the same test with the latest version and see if it works for you? If it does, then something in your page is triggering the problem, try to compare yours and the test page and you should be able to spot the offending part. If that reveals it to be our problem, please provide one or more test pages that we can use to reproduce the problem, that would help us to ulitmately determine the cause of the error.


Posted: Monday, February 11, 2008 8:09:09 AM
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The website I am having problems with is http://www.fulfords.co.uk/holidays/ and then click on book online. It is the calendar control on this page, that when the page is submitted the error occurs.

Posted: Monday, February 11, 2008 8:31:34 AM
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Thanks for the addtional information. The issue is related to ASP.NET AJAX. We are looking into it and will let you know if we find anything.

Posted: Monday, February 11, 2008 8:37:47 AM
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Posts: 21
Thank you. Angel
Posted: Thursday, February 14, 2008 7:30:48 AM
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Joined: 5/27/2007
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We have confirmed that the issue is an ASP.NET AJAX issue and is totally unrelated to our product.

The following steps reproduce the issue without using our product:

1. Create a blank frame set page, say test1.html with the following contents. The code assumes the test application is named "TestApp1";

<frameset rows="*">
    <frame src="http://localhost/TestApp1/test1.aspx"></frame>

2. Create a blank test1.aspx page with the following body contents:

    <form id="form1" runat="server">
        <asp:ScriptManager runat="server" ID="ScriptManager1">

        <asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server">
            <asp:Button runat="server" ID="Button1" />

3. Run the page, the initial page address would be http://localhost/TestApp1/test1.htm;

4. Now change the initial page address. Replace "localhost" with your machine name. For example, let's say your machine name is SERVER1, change the address to http://server1/TestApp1/test1.htm;

5. Click the button you will get the same error;

Step 4 is the key. It causes a situation where the domain of the parent frame set and the domain of the enclosed frame to be different, which is your case. And this is bound to cause JavaScript access denied error since cross domain JavaScript is prohibited. So I do not see any other solution except for restructuring your application to avoid cross domain frame set (another solution would be to get an update from Microsoft, which is probably unlikely).


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