Hi EO,
We used EO version is
There is a strange problem, the application should stop at the following call in EO browser.
This is how we call javascript function from dot NET,
Code: C#
public void InvokeJS(string script)
Console.WriteLine("@@@@ Start @@@@");
Console.WriteLine("Script : " + script);
var scriptCall = new ScriptCall(script);
var call = _browser?.QueueScriptCall(scriptCall);
call?.OnDone(() =>
if (call.Exception != null)
string sTemp = "";
sTemp = call.Exception.Message;
throw new Exception("QueueScriptCall Err : " + sTemp);
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine("An error has occurred: " + ex.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("@@@@ End @@@@");
Log as below :
@@@@ Start @@@@
Script : ShowUser('A0','F1','GOODUSER') <= Stop in here all day all night.
Without any try catch error message, look like while loop or deadlock at QueueScriptCall() or call.WaitOne().
Is this a known issue?
Is there any error in my C# code or miss understanding EO function?
Best Regards,
Hi EO,
Other problems happen, log as below:
@@@@ Start @@@@
Script : RESFuncPay('ACC1315')
@@@@ End @@@@
Runtime_Exception Message: QueueScriptCall Time Out EvalScript failed because The WebView has been destroyed.
Runtime_Exception Source: EOContainer
Runtime_Exception InnerException:
Strange, I'm not destroyed EO in code. whether the QueueScriptCall() time out will cause crashed in EO.
Would you please help me to deal with / to clarify those problems and avoid happen again.
System information:
OS Win7 Professional 32 bit sp1,
Memory 4G
Platform: Winform
Thank you very much.
Best Regards,