Rank: Newbie Groups: Member
Joined: 7/10/2017 Posts: 2
Hi, I'm having some issues with eo.pdf, so i would like to create some content with pdf creator, then add some content with htmlToPdf without page breaks then be able to continue with pdf creator. So i have 2 options there, the first one is to generate 3 pdfs one with the pdfCreator content, one with the htmlToPdf and the last one with the end of the document. The second is what i found iniside your documentation but is not very clear for me, there is a possibility to create a destination with the last content and use the destination to generate htmlToPdf but i'm not very sure what's the right way to do it. So i would like to know what's the less ressource consuming process and what's the right way for the second method.
Best regards
Rank: Administration Groups: Administration
Joined: 5/27/2007 Posts: 24,225
Hi, I am not exactly sure what you meant by creating a destination with the last content and use the destination to generate HTML to PDF. The only thing you need for the HTML to PDF is the start Y position: https://www.essentialobjects.com/doc/eo.pdf.htmltopdfoptions.startposition.aspxYou can get this value from the last content's CreateDestination method and then get the Y value from the returned PdfDestionation object's FitRect property to get the left/top position of the last content. Note that this is the top/left position of the last content, not the bottom position of the last content. The easiest way to get around this is to use an empty block object with a very small height as the last content object. You can use that content's top position as the starting position of your HTML to PDF output. Thanks!