I'm creating a PDF from an HTML & CSS document. The HTML document has cover sheet which is an <img> that should cover the whole of the first page.
I'm setting the size of the img like this in CSS:
Code: CSS
img.cover {
width: 8.5in;
height: 11in;
When I create the PDF I'm setting the page size like this:
Code: C#
HtmlToPdf.Options.PageSize = new SizeF(8.5, 11);
HtmlToPdf.Options.OutputArea = new RectangleF(0, 0, 8.5, 11);
However when I generate the PDF there is a small stripe down the right of the page and across the bottom the same colour as the page.
I have tried making the image smaller using the CSS and this works making the stripes bigger, however if I make the image bigger than the page using CSS it still shows the stripes. Any ideas how to solve this?