Hi I test your suggest link
https://www.essentialobjects.com/doc/webbrowser/advanced/new_window.aspx but don't work for show dialog (I want to show dialog and return result to main page)
//Assume BrowserWnd (in your code) is a Window class that contains a
//WebView. Here the code creates a new BrowserWnd object thus creating
//a new WebView
BrowserWnd wnd = new BrowserWnd();
//Load the target Url into the new WebView
wnd.WebView.Url = e.TargetUrl;
//Signifies that we accept the new window request
e.Accepted = true;
what is "BrowserWnd" ?
My source code
public void WebView_NewWindow(object sender, NewWindowEventArgs e)
WebControl wnd = new WebControl();
wnd.WebView.Url = e.TargetUrl;
e.Accepted = true;
catch (Exception)
{ }
Please suggest me