We're having an issue with the EO PDF HtmlToPdf ConvertUrl() method. When calling the method only some of the html document is being rendered to PDF.
For example we have an html document which is 9 pages long but in the PDF we're only getting one full page and a couple of rows on the second page.
See screenshots of the source html page and rendered PDF below,
Screenshot 1: Html page 1
Screenshot 2: Html page 2 continues after Campbellsville row
Screenshot 3: Rendered PDF truncated at Campbellsville row
We are using EO.Pdf version on .NET 4.5.
See below a dump of the options being passed to ConvertUrl()
AdditionalHeaders null
AfterRenderPage null
AllowLocalAccess TRUE
AutoAdjustForDPI FALSE
AutoBookmark FALSE
AutoFitWidth TRUE
AutoFitX ShrinkToFit
AutoFitY None
BaseUrl http://localhost?burstkey=9b886c57-dc33-4929-a18d-b51506ea9b43&jobKey=66924761-88d4-4f35-9cd2-e8d0c7a1e60e
BeforeRenderPage null
CertificateError null
ClientCertificate null
ColumnCount -1
ColumnGapWidth -1
Cookies {System.Net.CookieCollection}
FirstPageNumber 1
FooterHtmlFormat null
FooterHtmlPosition NaN
GeneratePageImages FALSE
HeaderHtmlFormat null
HeaderHtmlPosition NaN
InvisibleElementIds null
JpegQualityLevel 100
MaxLoadWaitTime 60000
MinLoadWaitTime 0
NoScript FALSE
OutputArea {X = 0.315 Y = 0.315 Width = 7.633889 Height = 10.9444447}
PageSize {Width = 8.263889 Height = 11.6944447}
Password null
PostData null
PreserveHighResImages TRUE
ProxyInfo null
RepeatTableHeaderAndFooter TRUE
RetrieveNodeText TRUE
SSLVerificationMode None
SaveImageAsJpeg TRUE
StartColumnIndex 0
StartPageIndex -1
StartPosition 0
TriggerConversionManually FALSE
TriggerMode Manual
UsePrintMedia FALSE
UserName null
VisibleElementIds null
ZoomLevel 0