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AJAXUploader and CallbackPanel don't work on debug mode in VS 2005 Options
Posted: Friday, October 14, 2016 6:21:43 PM
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I have a ASP.NET/VB.NET application developed in VS 2005, using the EO.Web version, and sometimes I having problems with the behavior of EO controls when I run it in debug mode. Important is that the application works fine when publish it.

I will give two examples that occur on the same web page of the application. Although it is very big and complex (many words in Portuguese), I put the "document.aspx" into a ZIP file in this link. to guide your analysis.

The first problem is with AJAXUploader control. When I run the page on the VS 2005 debug mode, the control does not appear as outline in red below:

This behavior occurs with both existing controls on the page "AXUEntregaArquivo" and "AXUArquivo". But when I publish the page, the two controls appear as shown below:

The second problem in the same page is with CallbackPanel control "cbpDatasFrequencias". When I enter a value in "Dt. Início Val." field and leave it, the "cbpDatasFrequencias.Execute" event is fired in the server side, running without any errors until the end, but never returns to the client side, always showing the Dialog control "dlgPostBack" in LoadingDialogID parameter, as below:

But, like the first problem, when I publish the page, the "cbpDatasFrequencias.Execute" event ends on server side and returns to the client side normally.

One last important information is that I use the IE10, for the VS 2005 debug mode as to run the published application.

In your opinion, this erratic behavior is caused by the VS 2005, IE 10 or EO. You can help me to fix it, because it is causing serious delays in the development of new features in my application.

Thanks in advance,

Marcelo Camarate
Posted: Saturday, October 15, 2016 6:33:42 PM
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This might be some JavaScript error somewhere. You can check JavaScript error console and see if you can find any clue and we can then go from there.

Posted: Monday, October 17, 2016 1:15:57 PM
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Thanks for your reply.

In the VS 2055 debug mode, when I activated the trace before call the page "document.aspx" in my application, the follow erros/warmings were shown in the console log:

HTML1524: invalid DOCTYPE. The smallest valid doctype is "<! DOCTYPE html > ".
document.aspx, 3 line 1 Character
SCRIPT1004: '; ' expected
eo_web.ashx, 6-character line 4213
HTML1423: Malformed start tag. The attributes must be separated by a blank space.
document.aspx, line 126 Character 3642
HTML1423: Malformed start tag. The attributes must be separated by a blank space.
document.aspx, line 126 Character 3643
HTML1423: Malformed start tag. The attributes must be separated by a blank space.
document.aspx, 3674 Character line 124
HTML1509: unmatched end tag.
document.aspx, line 3899 17 Character
SCRIPT1004: '; ' expected
eo_web.ashx, 6-character line 4213

The final code of the page in debug mode is here.

But, when I activated the trace in the application published before call page, only the warnings were shown, as below:

HTML1524: invalid DOCTYPE. The smallest valid doctype is "<! DOCTYPE html > ".
document.aspx, 3 line 1 Character
HTML1423: Malformed start tag. The attributes must be separated by a blank space.
document.aspx, line 126 Character 3651
HTML1423: Malformed start tag. The attributes must be separated by a blank space.
document.aspx, line 126 Character 3652
HTML1423: Malformed start tag. The attributes must be separated by a blank space.
document.aspx, line 124 Character 3683
HTML1509: unmatched end tag.
document.aspx, line 17 Character 3908

The final code of the page in published mode is here. Strange is that the page code size in debug mode is different of the published mode.


Marcelo Camarate
Posted: Monday, October 17, 2016 4:22:51 PM
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When this occurs, try to load the following Url directly in your browser:


This is one of the link that renders our JavaScript code. If it works correctly, the above link should give you JavaScript code. However it appears that in your case it rendered something else --- one common scenario is when this Url needs authentication and you are not logged in, then you will get the standard login page. This will give you errors since the main page is expecting JavaScript code but your server actually sends down HTML (for the login page). In that case if you access the above Url directly, it should give you more information on why it fails.

Posted: Saturday, November 5, 2016 1:57:36 PM
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Thanks for your reply. Excuse me for the delay, but I was sick and could not see this problem before.

In relation to user authentication problems, is not possible. This same website has many other webpages that have EO CallbackPanel control and are working well.

I run the application in VS 2005 debugger and the published version, using the F12 key to see if there are javascript errors. The result is below (sorry but is in Portuguese):

Note that in VS2005 debugger appear two errors "SCRIPT1004: ';' expected", both in eo_web.ashx, line 6 character 4213. But, in the published application they do not appear.

After, I checked the creation dates and size of the EO's files in the development and published environments. How can see below, they are equal.

Finally, as you suggested, I compared the content generated when load the URL "/EHS/eo_web.ashx?id=511fa8c6-69e8-4192-b5fb-445634f3434d" directly in the IE browser, both in the development as the published environments. Both size as content are the same. The debugger file is here and the published here.

I have no more idea to discovery the error. Can you help me?

Thanks in advance.


Marcelo Camarate
Posted: Saturday, November 5, 2016 6:48:27 PM
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I am not sure what else we can tell you. The error message you posted (that includes the line number and the column number does) does not match the HTML file. For example, when the message says "document.aspx, line 126 Character 3642", but there is no character 3642 on line 126. So there could be a problem with your environment, either your Visual Studio or IE.

We no longer officially support VS 2005. So you can try to reproduce the problem with a later version of Visual Studio (at least 2010) and also on a different machine to see if this is related to your environment. If you can reproduce it, please send the test project to us and we will then investigate further here.

Posted: Tuesday, November 8, 2016 5:49:28 PM
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Thanks for your reply.

As for upgrade the application to later version of Visual Studio (at least 2010), we will have some problems because, in addition to being very big, it generates several reports through Crystal Reports, which would lead to distribution problems.

Also, if I decide to upgrade the application to VS 2013, I have other applications that use EO controls and were developed on VS 2005. Therefore, I need that EO works for VS 2005 and 2013 in the same machine. How to do this?

As for javascript errors, they occur on the page "document.aspx" but on the functions in the module "eo_web.ashx" developed by EO, which I don't have any control, as you can see in red outline below:

When I was run the webpage under F12 key, I pressed the "Start debugging" button in "Script" tab trying a better debug, , but the debugger does not stop when the errors happens. Do you know another way for debugging the webpage to stop run when an error happens?

I'm appreciate if you could help me.


Marcelo Camarate
Posted: Wednesday, November 9, 2016 8:53:29 PM
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As we have already mentioned in our previous post, we no longer officially support VS 2005, that means we neither current maintain VS 2005 environment nor investigate issues on it. The minimum version for us to investigate is VS 2010. So please try to reproduce the issue on VS 2010 and we will be happy to investigate further.

Posted: Thursday, November 10, 2016 1:05:15 PM
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Thanks for your reply.

OK. I will upgrade my application to VS 2013.

But, as I have other applications developed on VS 2005 that use EO controls and only one development machine. Then, I need that the EO environment works well on it, both to Net Framework 2 as to NET 4 and I have some doubts.

I would use in Net 4 applications the same "EO.Web.dll" and "EO.Base.dll" that I use for NET 2 applications, or not? And the EO license files, have any difference? Do you have any tutorial or forum ticket that already answers this?

Thanks in advance.


Marcelo Camarate
Posted: Thursday, November 10, 2016 1:10:33 PM
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There is virtually no difference between .NET 4 and .NET 2 when it comes to EO.Web. EO.Web (including EO.Base.dll) is built with .NET 2 so it runs on both .NET 2 and .NET 4.

Posted: Wednesday, November 16, 2016 6:29:34 AM
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As you required we upgraded our application from VS 2005 to VS 2013, but the same error occurred. As you can see below, the same error occurs in "eo_web.ashx, line 6 character 4213" like in VS 2005.

When I press the "Continue" key, a second error occurs in eo_web.ashx in the same position as the previous one.

As I think that this issue is complicated, we did a small project with the part of our application in which it occurs, and sent it to your email support. In it you can find all instructions to make the application work. Please, let me know in this forum if you received it.


Marcelo Camarate

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