Ghost line looks like that when its selected and browser is unfocused (and that is viewer spesific I think). So basicly it's fully invisible but this text element still exists and you can select it.
There is video about if it shows situation more clearly:
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/40264849/2016-10-24%2015-59-01.mp4Yea unit is not a actual root cause since you get same result if you set font-size as 13.33333333333px; but 10pt is more common case to get there... Yep line-height is related but this is not caused by too small line-height. I feel that when line-height is incrasing, propability is going down but issue still exists. For example if you replace rules in example with these you still get shadow text line even that line-height is clearly big enought:
p {
font-size: 13.33333333333px;
line-height: 1.876;
Ghost line might also be at the begin of the page (but it feels to be more rare). This happen for example:
p {
font-size: 13.43333333333px;
I am not still found any case where there are ghost elements with px integer. Sure this particular situation is not a big problem (when texts are really hidden) but it propably take up to few days that I can divide visible glitch error from our system. Anyway the fact that there is unwanted text element is not far the situation that there is partially visible text...