I've worked around this issue, and it may turn out that the cause of this is a little more complex.
In my code, I add a BeforeDownload EventHandler.
In this handler, I do some work to discover filenames and paths, resolve issues with naming conflicts etc.
After I conduct the resolution I pass the results back into the args
Code: C#
void WebView_BeforeDownload(object sender, BeforeDownloadEventArgs e)
var di = e.Item;
var myResolvedFilePath = "";
/*Do some stuff to figure out a file Path*/
e.FilePath = myResolveFilePath;
var myDownloadVM = new DownloadViewModel(di);
I then construct a viewModel around the DownloadItem which reads DownloadItem.FullPath
Perhaps there is a transfer of data that is no longer occurring, or is occurring differently, between the DownloadItem and the EventArgs?
I'd like to understand what changed so I can feel confident that my local code changes will fully resolve the issue.