I just upgraded to build 78 (from 55).
And i am getting this same error. I never tested .70, so i can't say whether it was fixed there and has regressed, or whether it was never fixed, or whether i'm hitting a similar result for a different reason.
Nonetheless, my code worked correctly in build .55 and is broken now.
It appears that the problem is when you call
rather than
If i use eoapi.convert it works.
Whether that is your intent, or whether it's a bug in the diagnostic message you added in .70 i don't know.
Either way, you need to fix that diagnostic message or update the documentation or both.If this is the intent, then i think it's bad, because now my code has to be like this:
Code: JavaScript
if (eopdf) {
which just looks wrong. I have to test eopdf instead of eoapi, because eoapi is defined when using the form in your web browser control.
But i can't call eopdf.convert cuz it doesn't work.
Or, i can do it like this:
Code: JavaScript
if(eoapi && eoapi.convert) {
which works and looks a little more correct.
So long as eoapi.convert means PDF conversion. It probably should be called convertPdf, or even better, triggerManualPdfConversion.
But please don't change that now because you'll just break everybody again.
fwiw, i sure am tired of every time i take a build from you guys something breaks in a different way, it's either the web browser control or the pdf converter, and when i take a build to fix one, the other breaks. Do i sound frustrated. You bet.
Ever heard of QA?