Thank you for your response. This solved the issue! Fontsize is normal now!
It introduces another (little) issue however: the margins on the sides are smaller now (about 2mm less when originally set to 19mm, so approx 17mm margin), compared to the previous version.
Page size and margins are set as follows:
Code: Visual Basic.NET
Dim pageSize As System.Drawing.SizeF = EO.Pdf.PdfPageSizes.A4
' Need landscape? Flip sizes
If Not Me.IsPortrait Then
pageSize = New System.Drawing.SizeF(pageSize.Height, pageSize.Width)
End If
' These margins are all 19 mm
Dim marginLeft As Single = InchFromMM(Me.LeftMarginMM)
Dim marginRight As Single = InchFromMM(Me.RightMarginMM)
Dim marginTop As Single = InchFromMM(Me.TopMarginMM)
Dim marginBottom As Single = InchFromMM(Me.BottomMarginMM)
Dim pageWidth As Single = pageSize.Width - marginLeft - marginRight
Dim pageHeight As Single = pageSize.Height - marginTop - marginBottom
pdfOptions.PageSize = pageSize
pdfOptions.OutputArea = New System.Drawing.RectangleF(marginLeft, marginTop, pageWidth, pageHeight)
Private Function InchFromMM(ByVal dblMM As Double) As Single
Return CType((dblMM / 10) / 2.54, Single)
End Function
Settings the AutoAdjustForDPI on False and/or AutoFitX/Y to None doesn't solve it.
Any ideas on this?
Thank you!
Edit: Never mind. After changing back and forth with old and new versions it only changes by 1 or 2 pixels at the top margin, but when printing the document is exact the same.