Well, what i can say for sure is that with build 42, all was swell (except for eopdf.convert) and with build 49 the startup of the web browser component is 50/50 at best. Probably more like 20/80 failing.
I don't think it is the eoapi or eoWebBrowser or EO object anymore as I am seeing the exact same behavior when loading my pages (referencing the eoapi object) and also for a simple page like
http://google.comI am hooking up the ConsoleMessage event on my webView object prior to loading anything. When it works i get all the messages. When it doesn't, i don't get any messages.
So, in other words, the entire JS runtime environment seems to be disconnected from the WebBrowser control when it fails.
It also seems to be timing related. If i run under a debugger, it usually, but not always works. When i run normally, it sometimes works, but usually does not.
I captured some output from dbgview.
I see the pretty much the exact same messages for 3 cases - 49 where it works, 49 where it fails, and 42 where it (always) works.
At the bottom of this post is the output for build 49 when it fails.
The way i launch the browser may be of interest.
On the main thread it creates a WebBrowser control and adds it as the Content property of a ContentPresenter control in my UI (which is one tab item in a tab control)
I then call LoadUrl on the browser object's WebView and capture the loadTask result, which i wait for on a background thread by calling
When it fails, WaitOne call never returns.
So, i say again. Something changed between build 42 and 49 that is causing the EOWebBrowser control to mostly not work.
There can't be that many changes at this level. Please take a look back and see what might be impacting this.
[9108] SHIMVIEW: ShimInfo(Complete)
[9108] eo.init.pid = 9108
[9108] init done
[9108] RDMAlert:EO_ImageManager
[18048] SHIMVIEW: ShimInfo(Complete)
[18048] Pipe client connects to \\.\pipe\eo.ipc.im.pipe.v16.0.49.0_1, m_hPipe = 24, error = 0
[18048] Failed to register window class. error = 1410
[18048] eo.init.pid = 18048
[18048] init done
[20904] SHIMVIEW: ShimInfo(Complete)
[18048] Create server pipe \\.\pipe\eo.ipc.temp.24128.1.1, m_hPipe = 1528
[18048] Create server pipe \\.\pipe\eo.ipc.temp.24128.1.1, m_hPipe = 1552
[20904] Pipe client connects to \\.\pipe\eo.ipc.im.pipe.v16.0.49.0_1, m_hPipe = 40, error = 0
[18048] Create server pipe \\.\pipe\eo.ipc.temp.24128.1.1, m_hPipe = 1576
[20904] Failed to register window class. error = 1410
[20904] eo.init.pid = 20904
[20904] init done
[22688] SHIMVIEW: ShimInfo(Complete)
[22688] Pipe client connects to \\.\pipe\eo.ipc.im.pipe.v16.0.49.0_1, m_hPipe = 24, error = 0
[24128] L4N: INFO 2016-04-11 09:38:08,734 [PID:-1][24128][1] - LoadUrl:webView.LoadUrl : http://localhost:9000/forms/ZzzhBJ44zoYHtLmNQhfRhcZCRn8Do8xW$O0qrk1kcdk_
[24128] L4N: INFO 2016-04-11 09:38:08,735 [PID:-1][24128][7] - LoadUrl:webView - wait for GetDoneEvent
[22688] Failed to register window class. error = 1410
[22688] eo.init.pid = 22688
[22688] init done