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Joined: 5/8/2015 Posts: 46
Hi, we were using a version of EO.WebBrowser from February in our software and have decided to update the EO DLLs to the latest version. When our software first starts it loads the primary URL in the webview and checks the HhtpStatusCode of the task when it's either finished or aborted. if the status code is not 200 then it goes on to try the secondary URL. Unfortunately, in the version the HttpStatusCode property is returning 0 even when the website is up and running and the webView has loaded it correctly. A snippet of the code is below (this is a WinForms app): Quote: var task = webView1.LoadUrl(_primaryUrl); while (!task.IsAborted && !task.IsDone()) { task.WaitOne(); // Wait for the task to complete or be aborted } if (task.HttpStatusCode != 200) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_secondaryUrl)) { // If we have a secondary URL we can try and load it if the first URL fails SetLoadingLabelText("Primary server unavailable, trying secondary server..."); Application.DoEvents(); task = webView1.LoadUrl(_secondaryUrl); while (!task.IsAborted && !task.IsDone()) { task.WaitOne(); } if (task.HttpStatusCode != 200) { ShowLoadError(); return; }
Regards, Andy.
Rank: Advanced Member Groups: Member
Joined: 5/8/2015 Posts: 46
Any chance on a reply to this one please?
Rank: Administration Groups: Administration
Joined: 5/27/2007 Posts: 24,229
We have confirmed this to be an issue and posted a new build (3.0.113) on our download page that should fix this problem. Please take a look and let us know how it goes.
Rank: Advanced Member Groups: Member
Joined: 5/8/2015 Posts: 46
Thanks, for the quick resolution. I can confirm it now works as it used to.
Regards, Andy.
Rank: Administration Groups: Administration
Joined: 5/27/2007 Posts: 24,229
Excellent. Please let us know if there is anything else.
Rank: Advanced Member Groups: Member
Joined: 5/8/2015 Posts: 46
This problem has cropped up again in version Just updated the DLLs and our application is broken once more, please can you resolve this and prevent it re-occurring in the future?
EDIT: This is because we had an invalid license (using 2015 license on 2016 DLLs).
Regards, Andy.
Rank: Administration Groups: Administration
Joined: 5/27/2007 Posts: 24,229
Apex Networks Ltd. wrote:Hi,
This problem has cropped up again in version Just updated the DLLs and our application is broken once more, please can you resolve this and prevent it re-occurring in the future?
EDIT: This is because we had an invalid license (using 2015 license on 2016 DLLs).
Regards, Andy. Yes. You will get an exception if the license and the DLL mismatch. If you have not already done so, you can log into your account to download the new license from your license key page. Please let us know if you see any other problems. Thanks!