I am considering adding some custom buttons in my test app (built with eo web browser).
Some of these buttons will be used to call
javascript bookmarklets that currently work with Chrome, FF, IE, etc...)
One specific example
Bookmarklet I intend to use is the
YouTube Downloader from http://deturl.com. Before I assign this task to my coder, is it safe to assume that javascript bookmarklets should normally work with EO Web Browser?
Below is a copy of the javascript for the bookmarklet for the YouTube Downloader:javascript:(function(w,d,x){x=new(window.XMLHttpRequest||ActiveXObject)('Microsoft.XMLHTTP');x.onreadystatechange=function(){if(x.readyState==4){if(x.status==200)d.body.appendChild(d.createElement('script')).src=JSON.parse(x.responseText).query.results.url;else console.log('ERR',x.status,x.statusText)}};x.open('GET','//query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?q='+encodeURIComponent('select * from json where url="http://noflr.deturl.com/l.asp"')+'&format=json');x.send()})(window,document);
Do you think this bookmarklet will work if I apply this javascript to a button in the toolbar?