Dear support team,
I have a tab based web browser .NET 2.0 WinForm application with different users and roles. The application allows login as an other user without restarting. Therefore and due to requirements from server side (edit mode) I need to have something like a private/ incognite mode without sharing cookie information. In some forum entries I found the .Net AppDomain concept as a soultion but will using the WinForm API it is not possible to share the WebControl over domain boundaries (TabControl.Add(isolatedWebControl)). I was searching for an alternative and I found the following solution which seems to work correctly but I don't know whether this is allowed by the API of the browser controls.
//Web control
webControl = new WebControl { Parent = webPanel, BackColor = Color.White, Dock = DockStyle.Fill };
//One engine per Tab
var engine = Engine.Create(Guid.NewGuid().ToString());
//One thread runner per engine
var threadRunner = new ThreadRunner("Test", engine);
//Creates the WebView which will append to the WebControl
webView = threadRunner.CreateWebView();
//Add the web view
webControl.WebView = webView; it allowed and are there maybe disadvantages when I like to use one Engine per Tab control? When the user closes the tab I will stop the created engine.
best regards,