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Extend trial license Options
Rick Morayniss
Posted: Thursday, March 6, 2014 3:56:56 PM
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Joined: 12/30/2013
Posts: 68
I began to test your webbrowser tool approx. 2 months ago. But like most developers, "work" got in the way. Can I get my license extended please?
Also, what is the current version, and how do I look for updates?
Posted: Thursday, March 6, 2014 4:12:40 PM
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Joined: 5/27/2007
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EO.WebBrowser does not use a separate trial license. You can just use it. It will display a license banner if you do not have a production license. However no other features should be affected.

I believe the current version has a DLL version of 3.0.39. You can download it directly from our download page. If you already have an project that uses an older version, you can delete reference to EO.WebBrowser dlls from your project, then re-add references to the new DLLs after you have installed the new version.

Posted: Tuesday, February 2, 2016 4:52:07 AM
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eo_support wrote:
EO.WebBrowser does not use a separate trial license. You can just use it. It will display a license banner if you do not have a production license. However no other features should be affected.

I am a new user, trying it for the first time. I placed it in a project and copied simple code to create an EO.WebBrowser.WebView object from a PictureBox windows handle. When I run it, a notification appears telling me:

A license is needed for the following Essential
Objects product(s) (V2015.3.94.2):

- EO.WebBrowser for .NET

Click here to purchase a license.

Now I've never used this product before and I don't know how well it works or if I want to use it for my hobby programming projects. I'd gladly take a version with a watermark so I can try it out. But it's telling me I need a license and the only way to get one is to follow a link where I can purchase one for $695. Are you kidding me? How am I supposed to try it out? I'm not shelling out that kind of money for a product I don't absolutely love and use every single day and couldn't live without. So far there's no evidence this is such a product. I can't even see it in action.

Posted: Tuesday, February 2, 2016 10:26:35 AM
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Dennis wrote:
I am a new user, trying it for the first time. I placed it in a project and copied simple code to create an EO.WebBrowser.WebView object from a PictureBox windows handle. When I run it, a notification appears telling me:

A license is needed for the following Essential
Objects product(s) (V2015.3.94.2):

- EO.WebBrowser for .NET

Click here to purchase a license.

Now I've never used this product before and I don't know how well it works or if I want to use it for my hobby programming projects. I'd gladly take a version with a watermark so I can try it out. But it's telling me I need a license and the only way to get one is to follow a link where I can purchase one for $695. Are you kidding me? How am I supposed to try it out? I'm not shelling out that kind of money for a product I don't absolutely love and use every single day and couldn't live without. So far there's no evidence this is such a product. I can't even see it in action.

The license warning message will NOT affect you trying out the product, you can just ignore it and trying all the features. However EO.WebBrowser is not freeware, so you do need a license in order to remove the license warning message, and our price is very competitive comparing with other similar product on the market. If this is not acceptable to you, you should look into other products on the market.
Posted: Tuesday, February 2, 2016 11:13:44 PM
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Joined: 2/2/2016
Posts: 2
eo_support wrote:
The license warning message will NOT affect you trying out the product, you can just ignore it and trying all the features.

Hmm, this is not what I'm seeing. When I tried to use it, the control was simply blank and did nothing. This is why I thought the license warning was telling me it was required to purchase a license to even try it. But, I've already uninstalled it. I will try installing it again and if it still doesn't work, I'll file a support request. If I after I try it I find it works as well as it sounds like it should, I probably will purchase a license.
Posted: Wednesday, February 3, 2016 9:56:54 AM
Rank: Administration
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Joined: 5/27/2007
Posts: 24,314
No problem. The easiest way for you to see if it works for you is to run our TabbedBrowser sample application and see if you can load any pages from it. If you still can not, check whether you have any Anti-Virus program enabled on your computer. EO.WebBrowser dynamically creates child process at runtime and this can trigger some Anti-Virus program to incorrectly flag it as a threat and kills the child process. In that case you will receive an error message and the page will not load.


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