The two core features that you will need to look into are:
1. Loader interface. This most important one to look into is WebView.LoadUrlAndWait. This allows you to load a page and waits until the loading is done. Since we have the source code of the browser engine, we hook into very low level to keep track of when a request has finished loading and it is much more reliable than a simple "IsLoading" property. For example, when you load page A and page A automatically redirects to page B, we will wait until B finishes loading. In the mean time IsLoading will change from true to false (when loader recieves redirection header entry from A) and then again to true and false (when the loader starts to load B);
http://www.essentialobjects.com/doc/eo.webbrowser.webview.loadurlandwait.aspx2. JavaScript/.NET interops. We allow you to call any JavaScript code from .NET through EvalScript and allow you to call .NET from JavaScript. You can find more details here:
http://www.essentialobjects.com/doc/webbrowser/advanced/js.aspxhttp://www.essentialobjects.com/doc/webbrowser/advanced/jsext.aspxUsing JavaScript interface is more reliable than simulate user event. For example, other solution might provide something like SendMouseClick(x, y) to simulate a mouse click, with our engine you can simple use JavaScript to get the button object and then call the button object's click event.
We do not have any samples specifically for scrapping since this are just one of the many different scnearios our component can be used for and it is not practically for us to produce a sample for every different scenario. However under the hood they all rely on one or more core features like listed above. You can take a look and see if you can use all the core features to acomplish what you need, or if there are any more questions about those features, please feel free to ask.