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EO.WebBrowser - Flash ads crashes WebBrowser on occasion Options
Jeppe HS
Posted: Tuesday, June 30, 2015 8:40:31 AM
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Posts: 60

I've been having this problem where the WebBrowser becomes unresponsive on certain sites.
The problem seems to have something to do with Adobe Flash.

On sites with a lot of ads the WebBrowser somethings hangs/freezes.
There is no problem if I disable Flash altogether.

I've tried debugging the WebBrowser, Flash debugging, and searching Windows logs, but I can't find the cause.

I've reproduced this with the TabbedBrowser sample in the latest build (2015.1.79.4)

Some sites that triggers freeze: www.bold.dk, www.gratisspil.dk, www.eb.dk, www.bt.dk.

A couple of refresh og clicking around is sometimes necessary to reproduce the issue.

Hope you can help.
Posted: Tuesday, June 30, 2015 12:39:52 PM
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Thanks for the information. This is just to let you know that we are still trying to reproduce the issue here.

Jeppe HS
Posted: Wednesday, July 8, 2015 2:29:57 AM
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This is still a big nuisance for us.

I've recorded a video of this problem happening in the Tabbed Browser sample (2015.1.84.0). See http://youtu.be/9rl0gymFL3E

First I navigate to gratisspil.dk, select a game, start it, and then navigate to bold.dk.
After this I can't scroll or click anything, it's completely frozen.

There are no errors, no Flash logs, or anything, and the Tabbed Browser sample can only be exited by closing the rundll processes.

I understand if this can be hard for you to debug.
Could you perhaps add the possibility to use Chrome's build-in ppapi flash plugin. So I can try if that helps.
Right now it uses the external npapi Flash plugin.
I've tried adding the ppapi plugin with the command line argument: "--ppapi-flash-path" without luck.

Posted: Thursday, July 9, 2015 9:35:21 AM
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This is just let you know that we are able to reproduce this problem and we are still working on it. We will reply again as soon as we make any progress.

Posted: Saturday, July 11, 2015 7:00:18 PM
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We have been able to pinpoint a scenario that can cause the crash and posted a new build that should work for this scenario. Please download the new build from our download page and see if it resolves the issue for you.

Jeppe HS
Posted: Monday, July 27, 2015 9:46:24 AM
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Posts: 60

I've just tried the latest build and I'm not able to reproduce the issue anymore.
So it seems you fixed it.

Thank you very much :)
Posted: Monday, July 27, 2015 10:25:21 AM
Rank: Administration
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Joined: 5/27/2007
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Great! Thanks for confirming the fix!

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