I have a rather large tree of around 1600 nodes and 4 level deep. It loads and renders quickly which is making this control very atttractive. Now I'm writing a search feature where a node will be expanded and scrolled into view upon being found. I having 2 problems.
The first problem I have is that the found node does not scroll into view properly. It seems to scroll to the parent of the found node. So if the node group is large and the found node is near the bottom is does not get scrolled into view.
The second problem is that I when do a second search or a search after I have manully expanded or selected nodes the tree view momentarily expands to the found node but then reverts back to the originally selected node. Is there a way to clear the memory of the TreeView control so it doesn't revert back to the first selected node?
The code I'm using is below.
Code: C#
protected void btn_find_Click( object sender, EventArgs e )
EO.Web.NavigationItem[] foundItems = TreeView1.SearchItems( edt_find.Text,
EO.Web.NavigationItemSearchOptions.SearchText |
EO.Web.NavigationItemSearchOptions.IgnoreCase );
( (EO.Web.TreeNode)foundItems[0] ).Selected = true;
( (EO.Web.TreeNode)foundItems[0] ).ExpandPath();
( (EO.Web.TreeNode)foundItems[0] ).EnsureVisible();
Hope someone can help!