Hi there,
I'm using the BaseMenu on my page and in my code behind I try to add MenuItems to it.
basically it looks like this
Code: C#
AspxLab.WebControls.MenuItem menuItem = new AspxLab.WebControls.MenuItem();
menuItem.LookID = cmsMenuItem.LookID;
menuItem.ItemID = cmsMenuItem.ItemID;
Now the problem is that the menu is not displayed on the page. Do I have to do something before the menu is shown on the page or am I forgetting something?
One other question. Is there a way to bind to a generic list (ie: List<Employee>) that has childitems of its own? Each Employee in my List<Employee> could have a list of employee (List<Employee>), but when I try to bind that to my menu, only the first employees are shown on the page.
any ideas ?