After applying Windows update KB3000850 on Windows Server 2012R2, I have received the following error when trying to generate a PDF.
EO.Pdf.HtmlToPdfException: Conversion failed. Failed to initialize conversion (1). ---> EO.Pdf.Internal.aom: Failed to initialize conversion (1).
at EO.Pdf.Internal.mc.a(mc A_0, ap1 A_1)
at EO.Pdf.Internal.mc.a(afv A_0, Boolean A_1, ao5 A_2)
at EO.Pdf.Internal.mc.a(afv A_0, ao5 A_1)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at EO.Pdf.Internal.mc.a(afv A_0, ao5 A_1)
at EO.Pdf.HtmlToPdfSession..ctor(HtmlToPdfOptions A_0)
at EO.Pdf.HtmlToPdf.ConvertHtml(String html, PdfDocument doc, HtmlToPdfOptions options)
at PoseidonCoreServer.Services.Pdf.createPdfViaEOPdf(PCreatePdf parameters)
at PoseidonCoreServer.Services.Pdf.CreatePdf(PCreatePdf parameters)
Uninstalling the update rectifies the problem.
Some clues for you:
1. This did not affect my Windows Server 2012R1, or Windows 8.1 installations: only Windows Server 2012R2.
2. Recompiling the application to work on any .Net between 4.0 and 4.5.2 had the same result with no relief from the fault.
3. This update affects the way that some installations handle memory operations (hence the Avast tragedy), and that may have something to do with the internal operations above ... but it's just a guess.
4. I used EO.Pdf versions in EO.Total 2014.0.26 and EO.Total 2014.0.29, but with no change in behaviour.
I tried for hours to find a workaround, but unfortunately, uninstalling the update was the only solution.
I hope that this helps someone.