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Joined: 3/21/2014 Posts: 6
Any chance to add a webpage capture to the component? Quote:_browser.WebView.CaptureImage(); to return a image or Quote:_browser.WebView.CaptureImage(x,y,w,h); _browser.WebView.CaptureImage(rect); to return a part of the image (in that way mixed with dom attributes, capturing elements would be so easy!)
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Joined: 5/27/2007 Posts: 24,315
The full window capture is very high on our list and we expect to add it very soon. As to the rectangle capture I am not sure if there will be any direct support for that. The worst case you would be able to capture the full window and then get the rectangle area from that full image --- even though this would be an awful inefficient way if you only need a small region other than the full page. The whole HTML rendering is a very complex and delicate process, so if it does not require too much change we will be happy to add rectangle capturing. But if it requires too much changes, then probably it wouldn't be worth it. In that case we will only add the full window capture.
Rank: Newbie Groups: Member
Joined: 3/21/2014 Posts: 6
Nice! but it will the full page capture match the "regions" of the HtmlElements or it will be another rendering?
My question is because, if is a direct capture of the component: will this work if the component is not visible? (larger page that needs scroll, or minimized window). And if this is not a direct capture, what happens with changing components, like flash or gifs? (is the first 'frame' captured, nothing at all or current state)
Rank: Administration Groups: Administration
Joined: 5/27/2007 Posts: 24,315
The first stage would be capturing window, not page. For window capturing it won't be another rendering, it will be whatever that's already on the screen, so it works like a print screen feature, in that case for gif I would imagine the capture gets the current frame instead. For flash we are not sure yet since the rendering involves DirectX overlay. We will have more information on this when it's implemented.