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Treeview: Styles with databinding from database Options
Posted: Tuesday, October 9, 2007 6:30:00 AM
Rank: Newbie
Groups: Member

Joined: 9/12/2007
Posts: 6

I am back to evaluting your software... And I am looking to see how I would be able to set the selected style on the nodes. So the user knows what node they are currently at and working on.

I can see if I statically go through and do a <looknodes><eo:treenode ../> format that there is a way I can set the individual nodes with the appropriate css styling I want.

However, I am loading from a database table and binding it to the control, which means I am not statically declaring each node.

How can I set the selected style, hover styles,m ect... with this type of implementations?

Your help is greatly appreciated,

Angela Law
Posted: Tuesday, October 9, 2007 6:47:23 AM
Rank: Administration
Groups: Administration

Joined: 5/27/2007
Posts: 24,296
Hi Angela,

Usually you do not set styles on individual nodes. You set them on the "Look Items (Nodes)", and at runtime, each node would inherits style settings from the look nodes. For example, all top level items would first check whether the built-in look item "_TopLevelItem" has any style settings, if it has, then uses styles on that item; If it does not have, then continue to check "_Default" look items. If you check any of the built-in templates, you would see all of them have style settings on look items, but none has any settings on the actually tree nodes.

For more details about how look items work, check this page:


Posted: Tuesday, October 9, 2007 7:50:42 AM
Rank: Newbie
Groups: Member

Joined: 9/12/2007
Posts: 6
Guess I was on the right track just didn't know about the ItemID that needed to get specified so the style was applied...

Okay, so I have examples of that. When I use those examples, It is not behaving the way I would think it would be have...

_TopLevelItem definition is what...To me this would mean that if I set the style for this to show a "folder image" and I had the following structure:


Corporate Dept  <----toplevel folder icon
    Human Resources <----toplevel folder icon
        Forms <----default no image
        Files <----default no image
    Accounting <----default no image
    Information Technology <----default no image
    Training <----default no image
Policies and Procedures <----toplevel folder icon
    Privacy Policies <----default no image
    Construction Procedures <----default no image
Help Request <----default no image
     <<<no nodes underneath this>>

To me it means that Corporate Dept, Policies and Procedures should have a folder icon because it is a top level item that has children underneath it.

And Human Resources should have the folder icon becuase it is a top level item becuase it has children underneath it.

Help request should take on the default styling becuase it is NOT top level item becuase it does NOT have children underneath it....

I put what I expected besides each one above..

However, I do not get that result. below I marked what I get...

Actual Results

Corporate Dept  <----toplevel folder icon
    Human Resources <----default no image (changed from above)
        Forms <----default no image
        Files <----default no image
    Accounting <----default no image
    Information Technology <----default no image
    Training <----default no image
Policies and Procedures <----toplevel folder icon
    Privacy Policies <----default no image
    Construction Procedures <----default no image
Help Request  <----toplevel folder icon (changed from above)
     <<<no nodes underneath this>>

Could you explain what I am missing...I have also set the _topGroup the same as toplevel but it doesn't seem to matter I get the same results...

Many thanks,


PS One suggestion is to put search capability in with the help documentation.... In order for me to find out information on how stuff works I have to literally go in and out of areas to try and find it... where searching for it would be much easier and give me a way to research what I am looking for with out having to always bother you or spend alot of time searching by hand for that which I am looking for...
Posted: Tuesday, October 9, 2007 8:09:31 AM
Rank: Administration
Groups: Administration

Joined: 5/27/2007
Posts: 24,296
Hi Angela,

Top level item applies to the 'top items" only. In your example, only "Corporate Dept", "Policies and Procedures" and "Help Request" are top level items. "Human Resources", "Accouting", etc are second level items, they are not top level items.

Second level items are just like third level items, they uses "_Default" look by default. If you want them to use a different look item, you can set the _TopLevelItem's SubMenu's DefaultItemLookID to a different look ID (you may need to create a new look item first).

Thanks for your suggestion about the help. The documentation is also provided as a local .chm file. That file support search.


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