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Invalid view state - Grid Options
Posted: Tuesday, July 5, 2011 7:07:26 AM
Rank: Advanced Member
Groups: Member

Joined: 11/16/2010
Posts: 48
I am using the Grid control with an "Edit" button column

My users are reporting intermittent "Invalid View State" errors, and "Invalid webresource request" errors.
My web browisng seems to indicate it could be Ajax related but I don't use Ajax directly.

for example ...
Invalid viewstate. Client IP: Port: 61665 User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/534.24 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/11.0.696.71 Safari/534.24 ViewState: 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 Referer: http://www.cheltenhamcameraclub.co.uk/membership/MemberList.aspx Path: /membership/MemberList.aspx

I also get "This is an invalid webresource request."

Posted: Tuesday, July 5, 2011 10:53:10 AM
Rank: Administration
Groups: Administration

Joined: 5/27/2007
Posts: 24,280

This can occur due to various reasons. If you use AJAX it can occur either due to page encoding issues or time out issue (in that case the state data are not correctly updated). The Grid internally uses AJAX if you use it in server mode or callback mode. So try to switch to client mode and see if that helps. You also want to make sure you always use the same machineKey to encode your view state. Details about that are beyond our support but you can search online and you should be able to find plenty of information about that.

Posted: Thursday, July 21, 2011 10:15:08 AM
Rank: Advanced Member
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Joined: 11/16/2010
Posts: 48
I have now re-written the app so it can run with enableViewState=false on the grid control and I am no longer getting viewstate errors.
I think maybe the viewstate was overlarge... could you change the Grid control to allow enableViewState=false by column? I only had one column that needed to be posted back.
Posted: Thursday, July 21, 2011 10:21:21 AM
Rank: Administration
Groups: Administration

Joined: 5/27/2007
Posts: 24,280

No. That is not possible. The Grid is a single control. EnableViewState only applies on a control.


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