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Hi While still waiting for the the resolution of the problem that we reported earlier we ran into several other issues: Issue #1: On Windows XP (desktop and service) conversion generates black rectangles instead of images. Runs well on other platforms. The document has just three pages of text and two images organized as a table. The following code is used to print EO.Pdf.HtmlToPdf.Options.BaseUrl = "file://c:/pdftest"; EO.Pdf.HtmlToPdfResult res=EO.Pdf.HtmlToPdf.ConvertUrl("c:/pdftest/test.html", "c:/pdftest/test.pdf"); html and images are in c:/pdftest. If I remove portion of the text, conversion runs fine showing images rather than black boxes. It looks like a resource issue. Issue #2: This is even more troubling because it happens on any platform. We noticed that sometimes portion of the original text (typically at the end) is missing in pdf document. I was able to create simple test html <html> <head></head> <body> <div align="center">Test</div> Test2 </body> </html> The result of conversion shows Test but not Test2. If I remove first div, result shows Test2 If I enclose Test2 in div then result shows Test2 <html> <head><title>test</title></head> <body> <div align="center">Test</div> <div>Test2</div> </body> </html> Am I missing something?
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As to #1, can you provide a test file? We will PM you with the email address as to where to send the file. Please try to provide a minimum file that can be used to reproduce the problem.
As to #2, we are NOT able to reproduce the problem. We use the latest build (.44) during with test. Can you try that build and see if it produces the same result?
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How do I attach test html/images to to PM? I got you PM
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Apparently I cannot just drop new dlls into application root folder to test my app with new version of your library? Do I need to recompile my app do use new dll? According to the documentation I need to rebuild my app when new version (or build) of you library is used. I am afraid this creates a major headache for commercial applications when we need to re-distribute our app simply to install new build of your library that contains just bug fixes. Am I wrong here? Quote:As to #2, we are NOT able to reproduce the problem. We use the latest build (.44) during with test. Can you try that build and see if it produces the same result?
Why don't you use build 41 to confirm that the problem exists?
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You will always need to rebuild your application if you need to switch to a different DLL version. This has to do with how .NET application manages versions. We will not make two different DLLs with the same version number.
We do not test bugs based on past versions because the newer version might have already fixed it ---- and even if the current build does not fix the issue, you will still have a different DLL once we do fix it. So in any case you will have a new DLL with a different version number.
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eo_support wrote: You will always need to rebuild your application if you need to switch to a different DLL version. This has to do with how .NET application manages versions. We will not make two different DLLs with the same version number.
We actually use AssemblyResolve event in our application to allow us drop in newer version of third party products we are using. Test app didn't have it. I PM'ed you test code you've requested
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We do not need such code. That's your application specific logic and frankly speaking --- it does not matter to us. We will change our DLL version number when we make changes. What you do beyond that is all yours.
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Quote:We do not need such code. Certainly you don't. We do. Again my concern at the time are problems that we encountered recently. I PM'ed you requested test case. Also we need resolution for XP service problem. BTW do you maintain bug and fixes list so we can check our issues against bugs reported and fixed? Also I believe I saw a list of OSes and NET versions your product supports. Can't find it now. Could you please point me to it?
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I am not sure if there is an explicitly list of OSes and .NET versions we support anywhere. Our DLL is built with .NET 2.0, so it should work fine for all .NET versions after 2.0. As to OS, our main focus would be OSes after XP (2003, Win 7, etc) since MS has already stopped the mainstream support for XP, so if it is comes down to a bug in XP then our options to address it will be very limited since MS won’t be fixing it anyway. We do hope we can resolve your XP issue soon though, but if it turns out to be impossible for us to support it, then the only thing we can do is to tell you we won’t support it.
We do maintain a bug list internally but that list is not public. So there is no way for you to check on that. Most issues however will be reported here in the forum since our forum is public. As such you can search the forum to see if a bug has been fixed. When user reports an issue in the forum (like this post), we usually will post a follow up post when the issue is resolved.
As to the test code, we usually need the minimum code that can be used to reproduce a problem that you are reporting, we will use such code to investigate the problem and also use it to confirm whatever solution we come up does fix the problem for you. However we will not investigate any special scenario that are specific to you project and has no direct relationship with our product because our main focus is to support our product. For example, we will not get into details about your version resolving scheme.
We are still waiting for you to confirm whether build .44 fixes issue #2. If it still does not work you, please try to create a test project that demonstrates the problem and send it to us. We will then go from there.
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Quote:our main focus would be OSes after XP (2003, Win 7, etc) since MS has already stopped the mainstream support for XP, so if it is comes down to a bug in XP then our options to address it will be very limited since MS won’t be fixing it anyway.
I tried several other html-to-pdf products and those don't have issues with checkboxes in XP service and other problems that I've reported on this forum. It looks like you have a problem in your library. What troubles me is your approach to support. You have all rights to focus on whatever OSes you choose but you should disclose that when you charge me for a license. Quote:If it still does not work you, please try to create a test project that demonstrates the problem and send it to us. Last week I PM'ed you the test code. Haven't heard from you. Quote:Our DLL is built with .NET 2.0, so it should work fine for all .NET versions after 2.0. This is what I expected.
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We have only received a test HTML file with two images. We did not receive any test code. We understand that one issue is wrong image inside a service; another is wrong images outside of a service with those two test files. Both are on XP only. Both issues are in our system and we should be able to investigate both issues this week.
As to "disclosure", this is very much a legal precaution. There are millions real life scenarios and it is not possible for us to test every one. So while it is our best interest to work with you to resolve any issues you may have, we will not promise you that it works on all scenarios and allow you to hold us hostage based on that. We also reserve the right to refuse investigating your issue if it appears to be unreasonable to us. Thus our EULA clearly states that the software is sold AS IS and you use it at your own risk. This is very standard practice in the software industry.
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Quote:We have only received a test HTML file with two images. We did not receive any test code. Correct. I believe three lines of code were in the body of the my post. Quote:Thus our EULA clearly states that the software is sold AS IS and you use it at your own risk. This is very standard practice in the software industry. Absolutely. I don't claim any damages. What troubles me is your "focus" and your approach to support. I recommended your library to my client. Now I have to admit that I was wrong.
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I just wanted to post a quick note with our support experience with EO. I don't work for EO - I work for an ISV that has recently integrated EO.PDF in our lead product for html to pdf conversion.
I've had experience with other Html to PDF tools and vendors - we came to EO.PDF from a competitor that no longer supported their product at all (despite us holding an expensive subscription) because of IE9 - this left us seriously high and dry. We have also done in depth evals of 3 other companies and discounted several others on a feature basis. From our experience I can tell you that EO are hands down the best from both a product and support standpoint - they have been thorough and helpful in answering our support requests and they clearly know their PDF stuff inside out.
Without wanting to state the obvious, in order to get the best from component vendors support you will need to create good repro projects and provide accurate environment information - but that's just how it is when using third party components and it's absolutely necessary for the vendor to understand the issue and get you a fix that will actually address the specific scenario you are facing.
Of course everyone's particular usage scenario is going to be different and mileage will vary, but it's my opinion that they are the stand out leaders in the Html to PDF conversion area right now and are committed to delivering a quality product and the best support. It might not always be possible or practical for EO to fix every single issue (we are also finding that supporting XP as a platform in particular is becoming more and more difficult), but it is our experience that EO will investigate and there is usually a workaround of some nature to most issues - even if it's not ideal.
To my mind EO.PDF offers astonishing value for money for the level of functionality it has provided us - leaving aside the support. We haven't flinched at the couple of areas we have had to code around and we've got a great end result - hopefully it will be the same for you.
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We have posted build .46 that should fix issue #1. The root of the problem appears that Windows XP theme cannot be correctly initialized when the converter is called inside a service without interactive desktop. . As such the new build will render it correctly but without XP theme. It will render with XP theme outside of the service.
We have not been able to reproduce issue #2.
You can download the new build from our download page.