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Problem with DatePicker Options
Posted: Friday, September 28, 2007 4:18:01 AM
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Joined: 8/9/2007
Posts: 59
Hi There,

I am facing problem with Datepicker.

I want to use the DatePicker inside the GridView. I tried

<eo:DatePicker ID="To1DatePicker" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("DateTo1") %>'>


VisibleDate = '<%# Eval("DateTo1") %>' OR
SelectedDates ='<%# Eval("DateTo1") %>'

None worked....when i Use Text at that time, it doesnt throw error. But then the Datepicker doesnt display the Date and if i click the button to select the Date the Image of Calender is not clear.

When i Use VisibleDate or SelectedDates it throws Error cannot convert.

Can you please help me out. How am I supposed to Display the Date in DatePicker inside Edit Template of GridView.

Thanks in Advance.

Posted: Friday, September 28, 2007 5:31:49 AM
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Hi Menon,

You need to use SelectedDateString property.

Posted: Friday, September 28, 2007 6:11:43 AM
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Posts: 59
Thank You

Yes now I am able to see the Date in the DatePicker, But when i click the button for to change the Date, the Calender Image is kind of Distorted?
Any idea?


Posted: Friday, September 28, 2007 6:14:55 AM
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For that I would try to start with a built-in template without any code behind and see if it does that. If it still does that, please post the content of .aspx and .cs/.vb and we will take a look. If not, then you know where to look. :)
Posted: Friday, September 28, 2007 6:51:53 AM
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I have never tried built-in Template, but will try and get back to you whatever the result is, but after the weekend :)
Have a nice weekend.


Posted: Tuesday, October 2, 2007 1:40:40 AM
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Hi There,

I am trying to make a check when Datepicker is null or not selected anything.

if(DatePicker != null)

But its taking some default date 01/01/.... i dont know how. .I am not giving any Default Date in its property.
I am sure it must be something simple. But i am not able get the condition when my DatePicker is NULL.

any help would be appreicated.

And yes i didnt try the built-in template. I just avoided putting the DatePicker in the Grid.

Posted: Tuesday, October 2, 2007 6:03:38 AM
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You are confusing the DatePicker itself and the value of the DatePicker. The DatePicker itself should never be null. In order to check whehter the DatePickr has a value, you will need to do:

if (DatePicker.SelectedDate == DateTime.MinValue)

Posted: Thursday, October 4, 2007 12:59:18 AM
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Joined: 8/9/2007
Posts: 59
Hi, there

Thank you very much.
Its just that i saw the code for if(DatePicker != null) {CONDITION} (Javascript) in the demo source code.
But yes, my problem is solved ,



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