You can try the page
How can I send you the password in a secure way? This login has no right but I don't want display this information on the forum.
1-Sort the column "Subscriber"
2-Change one checkbox in the column "Confirm", remember you of the values of the 3 columns with id's
3-Click the button Save
4-The server display the first change found (if you have made several changes) with the three id's. But the result is the id's of an other line.
My problem of download was of my side. My Home directory was full, sorry.
The code for the button Save
Protected Sub B_Save_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs) Handles B_Save.Click
Dim msg As New Display.Msg()
Dim msg2 As New Display.Msg()
Dim sqls(0) As String
Dim items() As EO.Web.GridItem
Dim item As EO.Web.GridItem
Dim ind As Integer = 0
Dim sessionDate As String
' If Test.isStringEmpty(Me.pageHeader.UserName) Then
' msg.setWarningMessage("You are not allowed to save planning changes.<br>Vous n'êtes pas autorisé à sauver les changements de planning.")
' GoTo exit_B_Save_Click
' End If
'con = Me.getDbConnectionForWrite(msg)
'If msg.isMessage Then
' GoTo exit_B_Save_Click
' End If
items = Me.G_Trainings.DeletedItems
For Each item In items
If Not Test.isStringEmpty(item.Cells("idPlanning").Value) Then
ReDim Preserve sqls(ind)
sqls(ind) = "idPlanning=" & item.Cells("idPlanning").Value & " ; idTraining=" & item.Cells("idTraining").Value & " ; idName=" & item.Cells("idName").Value
ind = ind + 1
End If
items = Me.G_Trainings.ChangedItems
For Each item In items
ReDim Preserve sqls(ind)
If Not Test.isStringEmpty(item.Cells("idPlanning").Value) Then
If isGoodParameters(item, msg) Then
If Database.getBoolean(item.Cells("confirmation").Value) = True Then
sessionDate = "TO_DATE('" & item.Cells("sessionDate").Value & "', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI')"
sessionDate = "NULL"
End If
sqls(ind) = "idPlanning=" & item.Cells("idPlanning").Value & " ; idTraining=" & item.Cells("idTraining").Value & " ; idName=" & item.Cells("idName").Value
ind = ind + 1
GoTo exit_B_Save_Click
End If
End If
items = Me.G_Trainings.AddedItems
For Each item In items
ReDim Preserve sqls(ind)
If Test.isStringEmpty(item.Cells("idPlanning").Value) Then
If isGoodParameters(item, msg) Then
sqls(ind) = "idPlanning=" & item.Cells("idPlanning").Value & " ; idTraining=" & item.Cells("idTraining").Value & " ; idName=" & item.Cells("idName").Value
ind = ind + 1
GoTo exit_B_Save_Click
End If
End If
GoTo exit_B_Save_Click
Database.executeNonQueries(sqls, con, msg, True)
If msg.isMessage Then
msg.addMessage("Error updating planning.<br>Erreur lors de la mise à jour du planning.")
GoTo exit_B_Save_Click
msg.setInfoMessage("The planning data has been updated succesfully.<br><br>Les données du planning ont été mises à jour correctement.")
End If
If msg2.isMessage Then
End If
Display.message(Me.pageHeader, msg)
End Sub