Yes. You can do that. In order to change the color of a Grid cell, please see the remark section of this sample for more details:
http://demo.essentialobjects.com/Demos/Grid/Features/Conditional%20Formatting%20-%20Cell%20Based/Demo.aspxAs for the header row, you will need to:
1. Set the Grid's ColumnHeaderHeight to a bigger value;
2. Set the Grid columns' HeaderText to include line breaks. The Grid treats column header text as raw HTML. So there are various ways to include line beak, for example "line 1 <br />line 2", or "<div>line1</div><div>line 2</div>", etc;
3. If the Grid column header has a background image (most built-in styles do), you will need to replace that background image with a taller image that matches the new header height. You can create a new one based on one of the built in image files (you can find all the built-in images in a file Images.zip in the installation folder). Once you have the new file, you would apply it through the Grid.ColumnHeaderStyle.BackgroundImage property;
Hope this help. Please let us know if you have any more questions.