everiting that you told me i maked, i was fill de grid with CSS cell by cell, but i dont know how to get de backcolor of cell with javascript. just i know to get with VB .net that some like this
Dim LlegadaValores() As String = Split(eventArgument, ",", -1)
Dim pArgumento As String = LlegadaValores(0)
Dim pValor_F As Integer = LlegadaValores(1)
Dim pValor_C As Integer = LlegadaValores(2)
Select Case (pArgumento)
Case "BuscaFondo"
m_CallbackResultado = Grid1.Items.Item(pValor_F).Cells(pValor_C).Style.ToString End Select
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
And with this i can get the name of css class. but need help for to get the name of the class in client side. for to do some function before to show the contextmenu, some like to change the item name the menu or make it not visible some item.
i hope that you understand me. please a need your help!!!!
thank you.
i forgot i find some in this link:
http://www.essentialobjects.com/forum/postst4200_Grid-styling.aspxAnd you said that you can change the name of the value the colum or backcolor with css, you said that.
You will always set the style on the server side and then "override" it on the client side. Also you can only override style on the cell level. For example, because you can only override cell styles on the client side, there is no JavaScript interface for you to turn the column header from red to blue (of course you can always use the DIV trick without going through the Grid at all).
To change a cell's style, first get the cell object, then do something like this:
This is conceptually the same as cell.className = "your_css_rule_name" except that a lot of other details needed to be taken care of inside the grid.
Because you will almost always rely on styles setting on the server side as well, so make sure you go over the previous link we provided to you. You will also want to go over the following link if you are not familiar with our client side API:
http://doc.essentialobjects.com/library/1/clientapi_howto.aspxYou can find the corresponding content in your local help file. The local version is more updated than the online version (the online version does not have overrideStyle function, but your local version should have it).
with this i think that you can help me.
thank you one more time...
im waitting your answer