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CSS Style from file Options
Ariel Pascualini
Posted: Friday, June 8, 2007 1:35:22 PM
Rank: Newbie
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Joined: 6/8/2007
Posts: 5
I need help loading an existing css file and aplying the class to a menu

This is the menu

<eo:Menu runat="server" ID="Menu1" Width="100%" ControlSkinID="None" ClientSideOnItemClick="OnMainMenuItemClick" CssFile="/EXIexplorer/Estilos/Defecto/Estilo.css">

and i tried loading the class in the default menu item

<eo:MenuItem NormalStyle-CssClass="navegador" HoverStyle-CssClass="navegador" ItemID="_Default">

I haven't found any source code for this in your demo software, you use almost everything css-text, though there is an example with css-block.
Posted: Friday, June 8, 2007 1:42:29 PM
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Joined: 5/27/2007
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Hi Ariel,

Your code looks fine to me. Please check the case of the CSS classe names and the path of your CssFile. You can also try to copy the css class into your .aspx file and see if that works. If that works, then the problem lies on the CSS include part. If that does not work, please attach a sample project demonstrating the problem and we will take a look.

Ariel Pascualini
Posted: Monday, June 11, 2007 5:58:21 AM
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Joined: 6/8/2007
Posts: 5
eo_support wrote:
Hi Ariel,

Your code looks fine to me. Please check the case of the CSS classe names and the path of your CssFile. You can also try to copy the css class into your .aspx file and see if that works. If that works, then the problem lies on the CSS include part. If that does not work, please attach a sample project demonstrating the problem and we will take a look.


Thanks for your help, I found a way to solve the problem, in css file i had to change a bit to make it work.

Like the following

style here

and that worked just fine.
Posted: Monday, June 11, 2007 7:01:45 AM
Rank: Administration
Groups: Administration

Joined: 5/27/2007
Posts: 24,296
I see. Thanks for the update.

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