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DatePicker problem Options
Posted: Wednesday, August 29, 2007 2:32:28 AM
Rank: Newbie
Groups: Member

Joined: 8/29/2007
Posts: 1
Dear Admin,

I have problem with DatePicker.

I set the datepicker MonthColumns to 3 and MonthRows to 1

If form_load, i write code like this :

if not is postback then
DTDate.SelectedDate = Format(Now, "yyyy-MM-dd")
end if

When i click then Button of DatePicker, datePicker appears 3 selection (August, September and October). The problem is this DatePicker is used to generate report.
I don't have any data for September above. So that, i just want my datePicker appears these months : June, July, August.

Could you help me ?

Posted: Wednesday, August 29, 2007 6:33:54 AM
Rank: Administration
Groups: Administration

Joined: 5/27/2007
Posts: 24,296

That has nothing to do with SelectedDate. You would need to set VisibleDate property:



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