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Joined: 6/14/2007 Posts: 36
Hi There,
I am having some issues with applying skins to my controls. I have created skins using the tool, which then creates the relevant ascx files.
Example code:
sTreeSkinFile = "~/data/myTreeSkin.EO.TreeView.ascx" sSkinName = "treeSkin"
EO.Web.TreeView.LoadTreeViewSkin(sTreeSkinFile, sSkinName) oTreeView.ControlSkinID = sSkinName
sCalendarSkinFile = "~/data/myCalSkin.EO.Calendar.ascx" sSkinName = "calSkin"
EO.Web.Calendar.LoadCalendarSkin(sCalendarSkinFile, sSkinName) oCalendar.ControlSkinID = sSkinName
(Where oTreeView is a EO.Web.TreeView control, and oCalendar is a EO.Web.Calendar control.
However, for the tree, the skin does not even show (but I get no error), and for the calendar, i get the following error:
"Unable to cast object of type 'EO.Web.Calendar' to type 'EO.Web.DatePicker'"
Even though I do not have any Date Pickers on the page.
My skins look ok if I copy the control out of the ASCX file and into an ASPX page, but I cannot seem to apply the ASCX to other controls.
The strange thing is, a similar approach works for the TabStrip without issue. All this code gets called in my Page_Load event.
Is there something I've missed or have done wrong?
Regards, David
Rank: Administration Groups: Administration
Joined: 5/27/2007 Posts: 24,296
Hi David,
It appears the first one is a bug, we will look into it and get it fixed as soon as possible. As for the second one, the skin need to be a DatePicker, not a Calendar. This is because the this way the same skin can be applied to both a Calendar and a DatePicker. You can use DatePicker Builder to create a DatePicker skin, or you can simply edit the skin file that you have already created, just change eo:Calendar to eo:DatePicker.
Rank: Advanced Member Groups: Member
Joined: 6/14/2007 Posts: 36
Hi There,
Thanks for the quick response. :)
By changing the skin to use eo:DatePicker instead of eo:Calendar then it works :). Might be a comment you need to add to the Calendar builder so this is more obvious.
I look forward to the fix for the TreeView issue.
Regards, David
Rank: Advanced Member Groups: Member
Joined: 6/14/2007 Posts: 36
Is there a timeframe for a fix for this issue?
Regards, David
Rank: Administration Groups: Administration
Joined: 5/27/2007 Posts: 24,296
Hi David,
I believe we already have an internal build that fixed this problem. Please see your private message for the download location for the fix.
Rank: Advanced Member Groups: Member
Joined: 6/14/2007 Posts: 36
Thanks :)
I hopefully will get a chance to test this today. I'll respond back to let you know how it went.
Cheers, David