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Loren Dorez
Posted: Wednesday, July 1, 2009 2:10:03 PM
Rank: Advanced Member
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Joined: 1/9/2009
Posts: 97
Some Suggestions

Cahnge the BeforeExecute or create a new JS function that if returned FALSE then the callback is canceled. That way you can use it like a Client Side validation setup. Also the same thing for server-side allow there to be a Execute before Load/AfterUpdate on the server that has to retrun true on the Before Execute or it cancels the callback for server side validation or something of that nature.
Posted: Wednesday, July 1, 2009 2:16:02 PM
Rank: Administration
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Joined: 5/27/2007
Posts: 24,320

I believe ClientSideBeforeExecute is already implemented this way.

Server side is a different matter. Once it reached the server side, there is no turning back because the callback has already occurred, so you can no longer cancel it. You can perform whatever checks in your code and shows error message accordingly. But you can no longer cancel the callback because it is already half done (the other half is to return to the client side).

Appreciate your suggestion though.

Loren Dorez
Posted: Wednesday, July 1, 2009 3:38:56 PM
Rank: Advanced Member
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Joined: 1/9/2009
Posts: 97
Well im looking for a Quick way to do Server-Side validation with out the Lengthy wait for a callback. As for client side i perfer server side do to complexity of the valdation setup. Any ideas?
Posted: Wednesday, July 1, 2009 3:42:21 PM
Rank: Administration
Groups: Administration

Joined: 5/27/2007
Posts: 24,320
Unfortunately no. There is nothing more we can tell you on this. I believe the previous post has already explained the whole process quit clear. Please keep in mind that we don't advice on your application here. :)

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